
Showing posts from November, 2016

Another junior high drawing.

Another junior high drawing. I can't remember his name, but he was a TMNT & Other Strangeness character. A karate fox. Also, you can tell that on the back of this is a picture of a Pit Fiend I copied from the Monster Manual.

Hey, Stacy, if you still want guinea pigs for the PDF, my email is caseygarske@gmail.

Hey, Stacy, if you still want guinea pigs for the PDF, my email is I can give it a once over tomorrow.

How have I not seen this?

How have I not seen this?

Picking a lock takes one full turn.

Picking a lock takes one full turn.



Apparently Ark Encounter will soon have a diorama of Romans fighting a carnotaurus in the coliseum.

Apparently Ark Encounter will soon have a diorama of Romans fighting a carnotaurus in the coliseum. I wasn't convinced they were part of the same display until I noticed the gold/bronze sheaths on the carnotaurus's horns. That's... Awesome. I mean horrible that it's being presented as fact, but still... totally rad.

My next PC.

My next PC.

Inspired by the transforming Slüg in Slügs, my Magick & Megacorps PCs will be meeting some useless transforming...

Inspired by the transforming Slüg in Slügs , my Magick & Megacorps PCs will be meeting some useless transforming robots that want the squad’s help against giant, dangerous, military vehicle transforming robots. What is a good name like “Autobots” for almost useless* robots that don’t change size and have forms like sewing machine, shoe, slug, and toy pony? Not totally, they'll all have some slightly useful ability, but still like a foot tall vs a transforming Blackhawk helicopter and tank.

Second place after the playtest was Transforming Robots, so that's what I'm going with since I sort of forgot this...

Second place after the playtest was Transforming Robots, so that's what I'm going with since I sort of forgot this was game week because of the holiday. events/chb2v0k7m3j4nh55reoakatijmo?authkey=CJSqt6av2sLJyQE

I updated to $30 to get both games.

I updated to $30 to get both games. Originally shared by Grandmother Fish Karen and I just hit the $20,000 mark for Clades, which means we are officially creating Clades: Prehistoric as well as the original Clades game. The Kickstarter campaign now has several new rewards where you can pledge to receive copies of both games. Since many of the original rewards have sold out, we have a few new limited rewards, as well as several new unlimited rewards. Fifty backers can get signed copies of Grandmother Fish as part of a reward level. For pledges at $90 or higher, shipping is free anywhere in the world. The Kickstarter campaign ends in 8 days! Tell your friends!

This article hits close to home.

This article hits close to home. "On one page he would figure out the word: 'There.' And on the second page, he would see it and he would have no idea what it said."

Various other D&D related childhood drawings.

Various other D&D related childhood drawings. I like the runes on the wizard's robe hems and the fighter's moustache especially.

Other garage finds.

Other garage finds. I'm taking Low Light and Mutt home. Junkyard nowhere to be found. Sam Keith cover for Marvel Year in Review. I covered up Deadpool.

One more from probably around 8th grade. I'm going to have to make this guy as a character.

One more from probably around 8th grade. I'm going to have to make this guy as a character.

10HD, AC 4, 1 axe 2d8 or two arrows 1d12

10HD, AC 4, 1 axe 2d8 or two arrows 1d12

I found a huge pile of pictures I drew when I was a kid. It's all still very gameable.

I found a huge pile of pictures I drew when I was a kid. It's all still very gameable.


Frostgrave! Drow Summoner and gnolls vs. Dwarf Enchanter. My summoner got away with four of the treasures, but lost a thug and an archer is out for a game.

The real point of Thanksgiving.

The real point of Thanksgiving.

Somewhere near either Devils Lake, ND, or just downstream from the Deep Carbon Observatory.

Somewhere near either Devils Lake, ND, or just downstream from the Deep Carbon Observatory.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving.
Big display of "Truck Nuts" sighted at the gas station. Must be back in ND.

Several times I have spoken of the predictive power of Robert A.

Originally shared by David Brin Several times I have spoken of the predictive power of Robert A. Heinlein. Among other things, he knew that underneath the American surface of tolerant, progressive pragmatism there simmers a spectacularly anti-future, anti-science troglodyte. A Nehemia Scudder, who might leap upon a populist wave, much like 1930s Europe, only with a fundamentalist-zealous tinge, and proceed to shut down our Great Experiment on any contrived excuse. Heinlein had scheduled him for 2012, but there's still time. (See his novel REVOLT IN 2100.) He forecast separately that america would experience “the crazy years,” never figuring that the two events might be combined. Finally, look at RAH’s short story “The Year of the Jackpot, in which several dozen insanities result when all sorts of statistical ‘cycles’ combine, at the same time. Is it possible then, that we are in a fluke? Heinlein’s Crazy Years? Certainly al...

I want to mine a few paper minis out of this 1883 book....

Originally shared by Evandro Novel I want to mine a few paper minis out of this 1883 book....

This is the week we celebrate the most unpleasant refugees of all time to America, the Pilgrims.

Originally shared by Deven Green This is the week we celebrate the most unpleasant refugees of all time to America, the Pilgrims. Trust me: After those sanctimonious scolds fled Europe, no one missed them. They fled, not because they didn’t like persecution, but because they wanted to find a quiet spot to try it. As such, they became the role models for modern, conservative, American Christians. For Religious Freedom is not about stopping persecution; it’s about being the one who gets to do it. Glory!@BettyBowers

Good evening.

Good evening.



Saving so I can go read over and over again.

Saving so I can go read over and over again. Originally shared by Scrap Princess A long while ago I suggested that name "liches" should be replaced with "Skeletors" and I've changed my mind on this * and now my number 1 monster manual name change recommendation is that "giant" should be replaced with "daddy" *Although if one was to suggest replacing any use of lich in a game with Skeletor , I am 100% for this

Since our party finally escaped from a pyramid in the Sea of Dust with a flying boat, we've decided our next move is...

Since our party finally escaped from a pyramid in the Sea of Dust with a flying boat, we've decided our next move is to take revenge on the Dwellers of the Forbidden City. We barely escaped with our lives a few levels ago. The bugbears, yuan ti, the dragon, the bullywugs...all gonna get a beating.

More Ron Cobb. This guy worked on so many movies.

More Ron Cobb. This guy worked on so many movies.

The big sub from The Abyss. Designed by Ron Cobb.

The big sub from The Abyss. Designed by Ron Cobb.

I've been looking forward to sharing this.

Originally shared by Scott Hartman I've been looking forward to sharing this.

Neat way to make character portraits. Here's my favorite Star Wars RPG character, Captain Koyle Komad.

Neat way to make character portraits. Here's my favorite Star Wars RPG character, Captain Koyle Komad.

I'm tellin' all y'all it's sabotage.

I'm tellin' all y'all it's sabotage. The election was about jobs though.

FFG's holiday sale strikes.

FFG's holiday sale strikes. I wanted to pick up Tide of Iron, but the base game was internet only. So I picked up the Normandy expansion and ordered the main game. But not having rules never stopped us from playing with cool minis.

Very nearly a real life imitation of Scaramouche.

Very nearly a real life imitation of Scaramouche . Curt Thompson​

Here we go. Pouring rain this morning, now snowing and 20+mph wind.

Here we go. Pouring rain this morning, now snowing and 20+mph wind.

In the 70's someone had the idea that Triceratops frills were just huge muscle attachment points.

In the 70's someone had the idea that Triceratops frills were just huge muscle attachment points. Here's what that might have looked like. Seems like they wouldn't have been able to move their heads at all. This hypothesis made it into David Drake's book Time Safari . I remember reading the description of the triceratops and thinking that was pretty WTF. Those are pretty good T-rexes in the background though. Art by John McLoughlin from Dinosaurs of the Southwest , 1976.

It's time for Stay Frosty!

It's time for Stay Frosty ! Soundtrack:

Doodled during a meeting yesterday while thinking about tonight’s Stay Frosty session.

Doodled during a meeting yesterday while thinking about tonight’s Stay Frosty session.

And then shared photoshopped pictures of a huge moon that floats over the ocean in front of clouds on Facebook.

And then shared photoshopped pictures of a huge moon that floats over the ocean in front of clouds on Facebook. Originally shared by The Onion “Citizens are never more engaged by scientific disciplines than when the moon does not look like it regularly does—for example, when it becomes big or bright.”

So…shadow government.

So…shadow government. Now real if it wasn’t before, right? Non-appointed government workers forming alliances within agencies to minimize damage? Also intradepartmental warfare. Like the FBI has with the Trumpite NYC branch? Diplomatic officials maintaining backdoor communication channels with other countries? NSA head resigns, but will he really? Or will a faction still report to him? Are we living in a giant Delta Green scenario or X-Files episode? Is my third eye opening?

FFG is having a blowout sale on Dust minis.

FFG is having a blowout sale on Dust minis. I don't know if you want some of these walkers for Bolt Action Weird Wars or whatever it's called?

Put it in an inn or something. Do something nasty for it and it will answer a question truthfully.

Put it in an inn or something. Do something nasty for it and it will answer a question truthfully.



Put it in a hex. But like, dragons or something.

Put it in a hex. But like, dragons or something.

Ricardo Delgado production artwork from the pretty OK documentary Dinosaur Revolution.

Ricardo Delgado production artwork from the pretty OK documentary Dinosaur Revolution . Apparently, this show was originally supposed to be an adaptation of Ricardo’s Age of Reptiles comics. But because of budget problems, etc, it was changed to a more typical dinosaur documentary, with all the errors that implies, but better animation. Ricardo will occasionally post art from it on FB, but refuses to name the show, and asks people not to mention the name in the comments.


#meirl Seen on the tubes.

Listening to the audiobook of Iain Banks Surface Detail.

Listening to the audiobook of Iain Banks Surface Detail . This is the…fourth?...Culture novel I’ve read. I think the Falling Outside the Normal Moral Constraints now tops the list of my favorite spaceships ever. The narrator makes him sound a lot like a manic David Tennant. So that’s who I imagine the ship’s avatar to look like. So giddy to be blowing up stuff.

Dungeon entrance.

Dungeon entrance.

Watched Explorers with the kids and realized it has the same nostalgia for 50's sci-fi that Stranger Things has for...

Watched Explorers with the kids and realized it has the same nostalgia for 50's sci-fi that Stranger Things has for the 80's.

Scarlet Heroes: TMNT & Other Strangeness starts now! Destroyer the Hammerhead Shark ninja enters the fray!

Scarlet Heroes: TMNT & Other Strangeness starts now! Destroyer the Hammerhead Shark ninja enters the fray!

I managed to get Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space on the table last night with another family.

I managed to get Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space on the table last night with another family. Six players, two of which were 13. Would have been easier if we hadn't already played Munchkin, Apples to Apples, and Left Center Right and started after 10. We'd had some drinks and pizza and cylinders were not all firing. But everyone liked it. Next time we'll play it first instead of last. I was a human, which is probably easier the first time you play since the aliens have a bit more thinking to do. I managed to get to an escape pod and luckily drew a green card, so I was safe. The other two humans got eaten.

Game night.

Game night.

Now a documentary.

Now a documentary.

One more session to finish off the playtest then back to our dystopian cyberpunk campaign that is less strange than...

One more session to finish off the playtest then back to our dystopian cyberpunk campaign that is less strange than the actual cyberpunk dystopia we live in. events/cdljo1pjlc1u2nu3e81k6d608ms?authkey=CLaG0v6q3oDBDQ

We started playing Castle Ravenloft, but after the first turn realized we could sub in Minecraft figures for all the...

We started playing Castle Ravenloft , but after the first turn realized we could sub in Minecraft figures for all the monsters. So we did. We won with a single hit point each left. Coop needed to kill the last Gargoyle (Ender Man) or we would lose. He rolled an 18.

Good choices. I always wanted to play D&D with Little People.

Good choices. I always wanted to play D&D with Little People.

And now back to your regularly scheduled gameable content. #savevslibrarian

And now back to your regularly scheduled gameable content. #savevslibrarian

Thank Satan for my son's school principal. Just got this email:

Thank Satan for my son's school principal. Just got this email: At (our school) we are Kind, Safe and Ready. We teach children to speak up for what is true and to respect each other.  We are building their skills to speak out against bullying. We will continue to help them work to solve conflicts. We will model for them how to have a discussion with persons who have ideas and values other than their own. We will teach them to be responsible members of a democratic society and how to respectfully disagree. Children need to know that they are safe and we want them to know that we will keep them safe.

In better times (yesterday afternoon) we went to Dr. Strange.

In better times (yesterday afternoon) we went to Dr. Strange. Spoiler space . . . . . . . . So, in the end credits sequence, Strange talks to Thor. Apparently Loki is in New York with Thor looking for Odin? But at the end of Thor 2, Loki is presumed dead and impersonating Odin. Did I miss something?

One day to mourn.

One day to mourn.

One day to mourn.

One day to mourn.

I'm sorry everyone.

I'm sorry everyone.

Mrs. G got ballot 666.

Mrs. G got ballot 666. #nastywoman #goodomen #hailsatan



It's National Notary Public Day.

It's National Notary Public Day. Y'all may have caught wind of otha Accountin' bruthahs applyin' to become notariez publik, but a lot o' them be doin' it strictly foe tha bitchez an' tha fame. But foe me, this ain't no muthafuckin' game. It ain't about me. Never wuz. Shit gots to be witnessed an' verified an' attested. It what our society based on, y'all, lest everythang go straight to hell, know what I'm sayin'?

#horrifyingnature via Jacob Hurst.

#horrifyingnature  via Jacob Hurst. This is intense. Watch it.

"This game is called Small Dungeon. It's like D&D, but very quick."

"This game is called Small Dungeon. It's like D&D, but very quick." Notable mechanics: D6 based. 5 or 6 to hit tough monsters. 4+ to hit skeletons and zombies, and you get two attacks. If you're not wearing armor, the tough monsters (like squiders (squid spiders)) get two attacks against you.

Went to Kubo of the Two Strings at the cheap theater.

Went to Kubo of the Two Strings at the cheap theater. Fantastic. Googling about it afterwards, I learned about the Gashadokuro, a giant skeleton spirit made of the bones of people who starved to death. Painting is Takiyasha the Witch and the Skeleton Spectre .




#horrifyingnature Originally shared by David Black Nature is METAL These should be the next baddy your PC's fight, regardless of system. #RollForInitiative

Mrs. G used to work with Bill Hauser. Someone should hire him for RPG stuff.

Mrs. G used to work with Bill Hauser. Someone should hire him for RPG stuff.

$19,000: Operation Unfathomable Players Guide + Mini-Comic Everything that your players need to enter the world of...

$19,000: Operation Unfathomable Players Guide + Mini-Comic Everything that your players need to enter the world of OPERATION UNFATHOMABLE! This is what I want. Four days left. Are you doing your part?

Reminder for myself.

Reminder for myself. Originally shared by andrea sfiligoi Fayre Winds & Fould Tides is available NOW! Fayre Winds & Foul Tides is an expansion for Galleys & Galleons, the tabletop wargame for naval battles set in the Age of Discovery. Whether you have a panache for lacepulp, a fetish for High Fantasy, or just want to explore new historical periods, FWFT provides everything you need the bravely sail beyond the Seven Seas. New special rules - FWFT introduces 51 new special rules to further customise your fleets, including traitorous captains, mutinous crews, indirect fire and ironclads. New terrain - The seas just got more dangerous with a range of new terrain features including icebergs, volcanoes and assorted native islanders. Advanced rules for flyers - Take the fight to the skies with advanced flying rules and new types of flyers, from da Vinci inspired ornithopters and lace-pulp airships, to dra...

You know you had a good playtest when your players are like…

You know you had a good playtest when your players are like…

It's time for Magick & Megacorps 2085 Stay Frosty!

It's time for Magick & Megacorps 2085 Stay Frosty !

Trying a point-crawl type of deal tonight to playtest Stay Frosty.

Trying a point-crawl type of deal tonight to playtest Stay Frosty .

If I didn't have most of this stuff already, I'd pick this up.

If I didn't have most of this stuff already, I'd pick this up. If you don't have most of this stuff, you will be a more complete human being after reading/running/plundering it. Originally shared by Bundle of Holding Through Tuesday, November 15, the all-new Old School Revival Bundle +4 celebrates the spirit of roleplaying's earliest days. This fourth annual OSR collection features vivid campaign settings, strange megadungeons, unsettling modules, hundreds of maps, and -- ta dahhh! -- the new edition of Tunnels & Trolls! Pay just US$8.95 to get all eight titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $42.50) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks: - Deep Carbon Observatory (False Machine, retail price $10): A harrowing underground quest by Patrick Stuart (Maze of the Blue Medusa) illustrated by the redoubtable Scrap Princess. - The Pod Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Expeditious Retreat Press, retail $6): The first Advanced Adventures module by OSR pioneer Matthew Finc...


#gameable No idea what this is from.

I'm not watching the game, but I am watching Sue the T-Rex from the Chicago Field Museum tweet out GIFs of the...

I'm not watching the game, but I am watching Sue the T-Rex from the Chicago Field Museum tweet out GIFs of the Chicago Superfans. You know who the Cubs should call in to pitch when the delay is over? Ditka.

How to bottle

Originally shared by Gorgor Gor How to bottle

Let this picture of Ray Harryhausen and monsters from Clash of the Titans ease the pain of existence.

Let this picture of Ray Harryhausen and monsters from Clash of the Titans ease the pain of existence.



Thirteen years old today! So I took her out for coffee.

Thirteen years old today! So I took her out for coffee.