
Showing posts from January, 2019

Discord servers for my games:

Discord servers for my games: Snubfighter Discord: Stay Frosty Discord: Snub's not done yet, but it will be.

Complain here. It might make you feel better.

Complain here. It might make you feel better. Originally shared by Google Thank you for following us! It’s been our pleasure to build a community with all of you. In the coming weeks, we’ll be closing this page. Please find us here to stay connected:

Fighting about RPGs is passé.

Fighting about RPGs is passé. The new thing is fighting about if wind chill is a real thing or not.

Googlepocalypse post

Googlepocalypse post Exported the free 800 posts from that program...only went back to October 2017...





Again. Added my Gmail.

Again. Added my Gmail. I know Instagram is FB related, but I like pictures. Still debating whether to start my blog again... I guess I better decide soon. Edit: Added the blog. Originally shared by Casey G. We Fear Change The Googlepocalypse is upon us...eventually. I'll be here until the end I'm sure. Other places you can find me: I joined MeWe, which has a stupid name, but is very G+ like (caveat, it seems to be the place alt-right trolls populated after being banned elsewhere. Now, you don't have to see or follow any of that, but still, pretty gross): I quit MeWe because the owners are gross. Also joined pluspora. I dunno... Instagram (I'm going to try to use this more): caseyg_dnd Twitter (I don't post on this because I don't like public posting usually): @Debauched_Sloth Discord: CaseyG#0649 (with Casey Jones avatar, I don't know much about Discord) Email: caseygarske (at) gmail Pinning this t...

Notifications have stopped.

Notifications have stopped.

I got my EM-4 plastic spaceships today.

I got my EM-4 plastic spaceships today. I'm going to break them up into four factions (the columns) with four of each ship. Top row: heavy fighter/bombers Middle row: medium snubfighters Bottom row: light interceptors These are great for the price. I like these old Silent Death designs. Like they could be out of an 80's or 90's low-budget movie.

Germans have always loved boardgames.

Germans have always loved boardgames.

The Kid Who Would be King was pretty great. Kind of an 80's Goonies/Explorers throwback feel.

The Kid Who Would be King was pretty great. Kind of an 80's Goonies/Explorers throwback feel.

TIL there are Old English memes.

TIL there are Old English memes.

Esoteric game notes of Coop's found in the kitchen.

Esoteric game notes of Coop's found in the kitchen.

Saw They Shall Not Grow Old last night at a special showing.

Saw They Shall Not Grow Old last night at a special showing. Amazing stuff, Peter Jackson using his powers for good. There was a documentary at the end about how they did the restorations. My main take away from that was that every time they needed something, magazine illustrations from the time, sound effects of the artillery, it just so happened that Peter Jackson owned a complete collection of war magazines and actual WW1 artillery pieces.



40K board games all day. Level 3 of the Labyrinth of the Necrons.

40K board games all day. Level 3 of the Labyrinth of the Necrons.



And we were on our way out of our second combat, and got fucked by bad guy reinforcement rolls.

And we were on our way out of our second combat, and got fucked by bad guy reinforcement rolls.

Blackstone Fortress is being played. Pious charged the heretics and got shot, but otherwise doing pretty good.

Blackstone Fortress is being played. Pious charged the heretics and got shot, but otherwise doing pretty good.

Finally watched Green Room. Three years behind as usual. Brutal.

Finally watched Green Room . Three years behind as usual. Brutal. Dragonlance novel spotted.

Snubfighter post

Snubfighter post Templates made for those who don't have a hex map. Play on the tabletop instead. Printed the template on card stock to fit 8.5"x11" paper, laminated, and cut out. 1.5" hexes.

For Snubfighter, I want pictures of all sorts of different ways to play to emphasize the DIY spirit.

For Snubfighter, I want pictures of all sorts of different ways to play to emphasize the DIY spirit. So, I think I'll risk pics of Micro-Machines and Legos, but never name a trademark. And also include cardboard tokens and these classic EM-4 Silent Death ships. Seriously, I just ordered 48 hard-plastic ships for $26, including shipping from the UK.

Is this the last Angry Mutant I'll post on G+?

Is this the last Angry Mutant I'll post on G+? Remember: it's vodka and strawberry-banana V8 in a Wolverine glass and it's such a nice way to start a weekend morning.

Snubfighter post: Dark Nebula space pirates

Snubfighter post: Dark Nebula space pirates Repainted some of my Micro Machines.

I am the father of a driver. 😲😵😱

I am the father of a driver. 😲😵😱

No spoilers from those who have read the book (like Ramanan S ), but Andrej, the happy-go-lucky Steel Legion...

No spoilers from those who have read the book (like Ramanan S ), but Andrej, the happy-go-lucky Steel Legion stormtrooper, is my favorite character in Helsreach by Aaron Dembski-Bowden.

That's more like it. WWWWAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!

That's more like it. WWWWAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!

I always comb through the polybag lego sets in the Target checkout lane.

I always comb through the polybag lego sets in the Target checkout lane. There was a pretty terrible Ninjago one that was redeemed by having tank treads. I built this little orc tank for Gaslands, but I don't like it and I'm going to try again.

Coop has found the theme for his Gaslands team. Minecraft has Hot Wheels now.

Coop has found the theme for his Gaslands team. Minecraft has Hot Wheels now.

I’d play D&D in the Joust world.

I’d play D&D in the Joust world. Jacob Hurst , you were posting old video game art?

Who is an indie rpg publisher who is a furloughed government worker?

Who is an indie rpg publisher who is a furloughed government worker? I have Drivethru publisher credit and will buy their game, whatever it is.

Even in these twilight days... It's never too late to uncircle someone who shares a Jordan Peterson video.

Even in these twilight days... It's never too late to uncircle someone who shares a Jordan Peterson video.

The defense of Hive Helsreach, a city of billions, by the Black Templar chapter of Space Marines is simpler than...

The defense of Hive Helsreach, a city of billions, by the Black Templar chapter of Space Marines is simpler than parenting a teenager during their first week of high school midterms.

Snubfighter post

Snubfighter post I'm running Snubfighter at Con of the North in February. Six player table, three factions each with two 50pt. squadrons, Rebels, Empire, and Pirates. Pirates Squadron 1 2 X-Wings w/ sweet black paintjobs 1 Corellian Covette Squadron 2 2 Skipray Blastboats 1 Quadjumper Rebels Squadron 1 2 X-Wings 2 Y-Wings Squadron 2 2 X-Wings 2 A-Wings Empire Squadron 1 5 TIE fighters 2 TIE Interceptors Squadron 2 5 TIE fighters 2 TIE Bombers



Pan-Shot is my next Deadlands character.

Pan-Shot is my next Deadlands character.

OMG I'm full of pork.

OMG I'm full of pork.

Shit & Shieldwalls 10: Ogre the hills and troll the woods

Hey, what's up with Guns of Telluria? I vaguely remember that from way back.

Enough noodling with other games for now. Time to get back to working on my own. Try to be done before G+ implodes.

Enough noodling with other games for now. Time to get back to working on my own. Try to be done before G+ implodes.

Painting terrain and playing D&D and drinking beer.

Painting terrain and playing D&D and drinking beer.

Coop saved his birthday and Christmas pennies (and Target gift cards) and has now formed Voltron.

Coop saved his birthday and Christmas pennies (and Target gift cards) and has now formed Voltron.

Poorly Drawn Lines – New Stuff

My Shit & Shieldwalls group has voted to go giant hunting next session.

My Shit & Shieldwalls group has voted to go giant hunting next session. A random encounter last session indicated giant tracks in the snow. Any ideas on how to make tracking and (possibly) finding an ogre lair more interesting than skill checks, random encounters, and a cave with 2d3 ogres?

Media consumption

Media consumption Sunday night Mrs. G and I saw Widows at the cheap theater. Fucking great stuff. Loved it loved it loved it. Coop and I saw Bumblebee today. Pretty dang good. The middle had too many shenanigans, but recognizable giant robots that weren't just a mess of moving polygons made up for it. Basically could have been about a girl who finds a lost dog and very little of the plot would have to be changed.

Coop and I finished watching Voltron.

Coop and I finished watching Voltron. Altogether too many false climaxes, deus ex machinas, and yelling to stave off defeat for the fourteenth time in the episode. Still pretty good though. Pictured below is the series high point with a paladin playing a paladin.