
Showing posts from October, 2014



Wednesday Dance Turn Down For What
Someone just handed me a shot. Yay Halloween!

Abby the nerd and Iron Man Coop.

Abby the nerd and Iron Man Coop.

I'm not a poetry guy, but this Wallace Stevens poem always gets me. Condolences to Virgin Galactic.

I'm not a poetry guy, but this Wallace Stevens poem always gets me. Condolences to Virgin Galactic. Flyer's Fall This man escaped the dirty fates, Knowing that he died nobly, as he died. Darkness, nothingness of human after-death, Receive and keep him in the deepnesses of space -- Profundum, physical thunder, dimension in which We believe without belief, beyond belief. Photo by me several years ago when White Knight II was new, and Spaceship II wasn't even built yet.


Mr. and Mrs. Johnson went to the doctor to see why baby Hannah wouldn’t eat. “Why, it’s because your baby is a skeleton,” the doctor said, to which Mr. and Mrs. Johnson replied, “Oh, that explains it.”

Watch on your laptop or tablet in bed with the light out.

Watch on your laptop or tablet in bed with the light out.

I'm not a horror expert or anything, but I think The Descent is the scariest movie I've ever seen.

I'm not a horror expert or anything, but I think The Descent is the scariest movie I've ever seen. I've seen more disturbing and grosser movies, but this movie makes me jump . Also a good D&D 0-level adventure. Who's laughing at morlocks now?

Halloween Parent Post: Spookytown part 2

Halloween Parent Post: Spookytown part 2 Part 1: A few weeks later… “So, you presented Spookytown to your class?” “Yep.” “What did you talk about?” “Well, I’m a vampire, Andy is a zombie, Michael is a werewolf, and Audrey is a witch. And we all do something for each other, different jobs.” “What do you do in this egalitarian society?” “What?” “Never mind. What do you do for everyone else?” “I give everyone money.” “Where do you get money?” “People come to the Vampire Church, then I suck all their blood. Then when they’re dead I take all their money.” “…” “And jewels.”

Halloween Parent Post: Spookytown part 1

Halloween Parent Post: Spookytown part 1 This is a story from a few years ago when Abby was in second grade. But I was just reminded of it and it never made it onto G+. “What did you do in school today?” “Oh! I got three milk cartons!” “Ok…what does that mean?” “Papa! For the town!” “What town?” “The town. The cartons are for the town.” “Yes, but what town?” “The one we’re making in group!” “And the cartons are buildings?” “Yes!” “That seems like it was harder than it needed to be...what kind of town are you making?” “It’s cool. It’s Spookytown.” “Are the people like ghosts and mummies and stuff?” “Yeah, and vampires. And the kids go to Witchy Elementary. And the people drive coffin cars so if they get in an accident they’re already in coffins because they’re dead.” “Interesting. What other buildings are in Spookytown?” “There’s a…hmmm…uh…what are those buildings where people who believe in god go?” “You mean church?” “Yeah, there’s a vampire church.” On the town map, upper left. A vam...

It's time for Weird Wars!

It's time for Weird Wars ! You ever heard of Hugo Stiglitz?

Hey, I've got Inbox invites for the first three two one zero people that PM me their gmail addresses.

Hey, I've got Inbox invites for the first three two one zero people that PM me their gmail addresses. Once I got the hang of it, I like it a lot. Update: All gone!


Gameable. Originally shared by Jennifer Ouellette "Standing in the middle of Bern, Switzerland, is the Kindlifresser, or “Child Eater.” The fountain sculpture towers above the ground a baby half stuffed into his mouth, and a sack full of three alarmed tots slung over its shoulder presumably for later snacking. The disturbing sculpture is no modern work of art; built in 1546, it is one of the oldest fountains in the city of Bern."

Scott Dorward

Scott Dorward #whenattractfishgoeswrong Originally shared by Joanne Manaster I spent many hours in grad school at the electron microscope but never got photos like this! (I studied muscle). Two day old zebrafish larvae, as seen through a scanning electron microscope.

Parent Post

Parent Post Carved pumpkins last night. I let Coop paint one instead. He discovered that mixing all the colors makes brown. It is physically impossible to take a picture of these two kids both looking at the camera and smiling at the same time.

Having a knowledgeable gm for a historical campaign is awesome.

Having a knowledgeable gm for a historical campaign is awesome. For our Weird Wars campaign that starts tomorrow, my resistance fighter character was stationed in this actual church near the Normandy beach. And because he sent me a Google Earth link, now I know that La Cambe is now the site of A German military cemetery. 21,000 German dead rest there. The sign at the cemetery reads : Until 1947, this was an American cemetery. The remains were exhumed and shipped to the United States. It has been German since 1948, and contains over 21,000 graves. With its melancholy rigour, it is a graveyard for soldiers not all of whom had chosen either the cause or the fight. They too have found rest in our soil of France.

Player Whine

Player Whine Complaining about a 14 year old system is kinda shitty, so I’ll do it privately. My buddy is starting to GM a  Weird Wars d20 campaign, and I need to resist the urge to suggest house rules. Not my game! If there’s one thing that aggravates me about the d20 system is linking attack bonus with class level instead of character level. I just cannot even think of multiclassing if it means not increasing my attack bonus two levels in a row. Even with all the OSR experience I have now, if the system lets me plan ahead or optimize, I can’t help it. Stop me before I pick a prestige class four levels in advance!

Chris Hemsworth is awesome.

Chris Hemsworth is awesome.  Did it just...move? Please let this be foreshadowing. Originally shared by Russell Holly Just wait until he actually picks it up, big guy.

I don't know about you, but the idea that every single person in America who has ever had an injection has been...

I don't know about you, but the idea that every single person in America who has ever had an injection has been protected because we harvest the blood of a forgettable sea creature with a hidden chemical superpower makes me feel a little bit crazy. This scenario is not even sci-fi, it's postmodern technology. This is some Cronenberg level shit, here. Originally shared by Joanne Manaster Fascinating stuff!



Holy crap, Sam & Max Hit the Road is on GOG along with X-Wing and TIE Fighter.

Holy crap, Sam & Max Hit the Road is on GOG along with X-Wing and TIE Fighter. This is my favorite point and click ever.

The internet has let me down.

The internet has let me down. I can't find any art showing the Red Baron as depicted in Kim Newman's Anno Dracula book The Bloody Red Baron. Who wouldn't want to draw a giant six-limbed vampire bat as big as an airplane with machine guns strapped to it's chest? C'mon!

Inches from a car accident this morning...Must drink more coffee...

Inches from a car accident this morning...Must drink more coffee...

Did you guys hear the Benewick Cumberbund will be the new Doctor?

Did you guys hear the Benewick Cumberbund will be the new Doctor? I though some old dude no one ever heard of had already been cast.

Game I'll Never Get To Play #3,489

Game I'll Never Get To Play #3,489 Use Autarch's ACKS and Domains at War to play out a fictional version of the Great Game. Each player starts with a 9th level warlord, domain, stronghold, army, and henchmen.  Hurry up with those firearms rules, Alexander Macris.

Yaqub Beg, Tajik adventurer, acquired his domain, the Kingdom of Kashgaria, when he reached 9th level.

Yaqub Beg, Tajik adventurer, acquired his domain, the Kingdom of Kashgaria, when he reached 9th level.  By 1865 Yakub Beg had become the commander-in-chief of the army of Kokand. Taking advantage of the Hui uprising in China's Xinjiang province, he led his Andijani army to capture Kashgar and Yarkand from the Chinese and gradually took control of most of the region, including Aksu, Kucha, and other cities in 1867.[3] He made himself the ruler of Kashgaria with its capital in Kashgar. At about this time he received the title of Atalik Ghazi ("Champion Father"),[4] by which he is sometimes known. He then deposed his former master, the Naqshbandi shaykh Buzurg Khan (Busurg Khan) (the only survived son of Jahangir Khoja) of the White Mountain Khoja, in 1867, and declared that he was the Amir.[5] For the first few years, he was a vassal of the Khan of Kokand, but eventually declared independence. Thank you, Flashman, for introducing me to this badass. Forgot the link: http://e...

Life is too short to hold a grudge

Originally shared by Mathew Ingram Life is too short to hold a grudge

Watched The Honeymoon today.

Watched The Honeymoon today. Ygritte and a dude that looks either like a more attractive Theon or a less attractive Rob Stark go to a cabin for their honeymoon, have lots of sex, and something weird happens in the woods, as is traditional. I liked it. You keep waiting for scares, but it's all tension. Since you never jump, you just get more and more tense. Great ending.

Stuff for Abby's 11th birthday, and stuff for me courtesy of Source Comics and Games.

Stuff for Abby's 11th birthday, and stuff for me courtesy of Source Comics and Games.

Not what the Monster Manual led me to expect.

Not what the Monster Manual led me to expect.

YouTube video night. Doom psychedelia.

YouTube video night. Doom psychedelia.

H is For Harlot was a college friend's punk band.

H is For Harlot was a college friend's punk band.

Found an old notebook while cleaning the garage. No idea what this means.

Found an old notebook while cleaning the garage. No idea what this means.

So, somehow i'd never seen the original Hellraiser. Guess I'll try to go to sleep now. O_O

So, somehow i'd never seen the original Hellraiser. Guess I'll try to go to sleep now. O_O

It's time for the Monsterparts Halloween Special!

It's time for the Monsterparts Halloween Special !

First person that wants an Inbox invite that PMs me their email address gets it.

First person that wants an Inbox invite that PMs me their email address gets it. Gone!

Goose Mouth

Goose Mouth #horrifyingnature   #tongueteeth   For Sandy Jacobs-Tolle

If you ever wondered why geese are such assholes.

If you ever wondered why geese are such assholes. Originally shared by American Museum of Natural History This #FossilFriday is for the birds!  Diatryma gigantea lived in the Eocene, roughly 55 million years ago. In this epoch, more than 15 million years after the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs, giant ground birds appeared in North America. Analysis of Diatryma indicates that its closest relatives are the group that includes present-day ducks and geese.  Learn more:

Larry Hama documentary!

Larry Hama documentary! Keith Senkowski will want to see this. Originally shared by kreg mosier Cool Documentary. Cool guy. YO JOE!

Brandon Provolt

Brandon Provolt  You have Cigarettes, which are inherently useful, and a key to the Janitor's closet at the school. The janitor hasn't been around in a couple weeks, so no one ever goes in there. Your secrets: When you pass the door to the basement, where the boiler room is, you hear a rustling sound, a scratching. Sometimes you hear it in the walls. Sometimes you can hear your name in it. The only game the coach ever has anyone play in gym class is dodgeball. Sometimes while you're playing you see that the coach has a twitching tail.

James LaManna here's Zack's Stuff:

James LaManna here's Zack's Stuff: Really Good Shoes: +1 to initiative. Glasses Frames: See hidden things. Also, your books and notebooks let you cast one spell. We'll roll to see what it is when we play.

Jon Lovseth Here's what Juan's stuff does:

Jon Lovseth Here's what Juan's stuff does: Inkwell of holy water: 1d6 damage to a Bad Thing. No roll to hit needed. Glasses frames: See hidden things.

Calib Kerensky here's what Dustin's Stuff does.

Calib Kerensky here's what Dustin's Stuff does. Swiss Army Knife: +1 to damage and useful as a swiss army knife. Compass: Goes crazy when Bad Things are around.

Stephen Moeller Linus has cigarettes which are inherently useful, and one other thing you can choose from the list.

Stephen Moeller Linus has cigarettes which are inherently useful, and one other thing you can choose from the list. Our other Truant already has a key.

Matthew Nelson

Matthew Nelson  Your books and notebooks allow you to cast 1 spell. We'll roll to see what it is when we start. Your book of latin verbs: Saying the verbs is a d20+d4 attack makes a Bad Thing recoil for one round. Useable once per fight. Doesn’t work on Really Bad Things. Chalk: Draw a line on the floor. A Bad Thing must make a save to cross it. Doesn't work on Really Bad Things. After you've used it, roll a 14+ or it breaks.

Barry Lovseth your swiss army knife gives you a +1 to damage.

Barry Lovseth your swiss army knife gives you a +1 to damage. For your backpack, in each encounter area, roll a 12+ to see if you have some small, mundane item in your backpack.

Gale's baseball bat gives him +2 to damage.

Gale's baseball bat gives him +2 to damage. His lighter can start fires, obviously.

Also contains proof of healing spells.

Also contains proof of healing spells. Originally shared by Jennifer Ouellette An Official Guide for Demon Hunters: Helpful Advice from Theologians and Witch-Hunters.

"Papa, make me a T Rex."

"Papa, make me a T Rex." "OK. " LATER "What are you doing to the T Rex?" "Making him different so he won't fall apart."

I looked at the eclipse, Ray.

I looked at the eclipse, Ray.

What stood out the most to me in the Avengers trailer is the spooky version of "Got No Strings" from Pinnochio.

What stood out the most to me in the Avengers trailer is the spooky version of "Got No Strings" from Pinnochio. I know the story has been used before in reference to AI, but using the Disney song has me thinking yes, Marvel has been totally assimilated.

There's my boy.

There's my boy. Originally shared by Russell Holly Oh hello there, Hulkbuster.

Turns out the Spazosaurus was a real thing.

Turns out the Spazosaurus was a real thing. When scientists in 1965 found the first forearm bones—nearly 8 feet long—many of them envisioned "a creature that would strike terror in people," said University of Maryland dinosaur expert Thomas Holtz Jr, who wasn't part of the study. "Now it's a creature that would strike bemusement, amazement."   And yes, he said, "it's pretty goofy.",33020

Something about literary quotes today? I've been thinking about Weird Wars lately anyway.

Something about literary quotes today? I've been thinking about Weird Wars lately anyway. The only other thing he notices about them,before he gives up and slinks back into the cargo hold, is that they are fucking armed to the teeth. Like they were expecting to have to kill twenty or thirty people on their way from the airplane to the latrine and back. Bobby Shaftoe has met a few of these paranoid types during his tour, and he doesn't like them very much. That whole mindset reminds him too much of Guadalcanal. He finds a place on the floor next to the body of PFC Gerald Hottand stretches out. The teeny revolver in his waistband makes it impossible for him to lie on his back, so he takes it out and pockets it. This only transfers the center of discomfort to the Marine Raider stiletto holstered invisibly between his shoulder blades. He realizes that he is going to have to curl up on his side, which doesn't work because on one side he has a standard-issue Colt semiautomatic, w...

Today's Target finds:

Today's Target finds: Antuu the Hydra Xiun the Crystal Mage This hydra is only $8 and would look pretty rad with 28mm figs.

Parent Post

Parent Post A story my wife put on FB: Cooperisms: Cooper in the car edition: Cooper: Is this "All about That Bass?"  Me: Yes! singing along Cooper: This is a girls song. This isn't a guys song. It is for girls. Me: Um, you like this song! You were singing along to it yesterday! You talked about how much you like it! Cooper: I don't want to listen to this. This is a girls song. Me: I think songs are for everyone. This isn't just for girls.  Cooper: I want to listen to something else. Me: Well, I want to listen to this. But what do you want to listen to? We can listen to that next. Cooper: "Let It Go!" Me: Right. Of course. head hits steering wheel

You will never be as well dressed as the 11th Hussars.

You will never be as well dressed as the 11th Hussars.

What a perfect way for the New World Order to implant their subliminal meme programming.

What a perfect way for the New World Order to implant their subliminal meme programming. Originally shared by Russell Holly #blamecanada

Sinus infection.

Sinus infection.

These are pretty fun.

These are pretty fun.

It's time for Realms of Cthulhu!

It's time for Realms of Cthulhu ! Also, #horrifyingnature

I've reached the charge of the Light Brigade in the Flashman series.

I've reached the charge of the Light Brigade in the Flashman series. These books are at their best when Flashman is critiquing military stupidity. They also keep me running to wikipedia and so increasing my knowledge of Victorian history.

Join Roll20 campaign here:

Join Roll20 campaign here: events/cn7cfe5h822q8k12s72na6q2v9g?authkey=CJSTta3exbzilQE

James LaManna please confirm.

James LaManna please confirm. Originally shared by ClickHole


Dodgegoblin Dodge: 16 Attack: 1d20+1d4 HP: 5 Dodgegoblins are only found in school gyms. One goblin per PC is encountered. They will immediately set up their balls on the gym center line. Each PC rolls to attack vs. a goblins attack roll. Higher roll gets the ball. If you have a ball you can attack. If you are hit, you are out. If the attacker misses, you can attempt to catch the ball with a saving throw. If you fail, you are out. An attack roll of 1 on the d20 means your throw is caught and you are out. If the party refuses to play dodgeball, the goblins attack to kill.

Adventuring party.

Adventuring party. #partytime

Work sucks more than usual when you want to be working on games.

Work sucks more than usual when you want to be working on games. Monsterparts stuff I need to finish by Friday: -All monster stats. This is the big one. -Decide on initiative method. Probably 1d6, group initiative. -Decide if saving throws are worthwhile, and if so, what form they'd take. Maybe a static 14, modified if the character has a useful item. -Decide on all useful effects of stuff the characters carry.



School basement has a spider problem.

School basement has a spider problem.

Dear everyone:

Dear everyone:

Seems normal to me.

Seems normal to me.

Sorry, kid. Sometimes you're the fly.

Sorry, kid. Sometimes you're the fly.

Fury is a tense, brutal ride. Like a Hammers Slammers story in the best way.

Fury is a tense, brutal ride. Like a Hammers Slammers story in the best way. Don't mean nothin', Snake.

Worm hole.

Worm hole.