
Showing posts from July, 2014

Instead of seeing Guardians of the Galaxy tonight, I was at Hercules because my wife and her best friend wanted to...

Instead of seeing Guardians of the Galaxy tonight, I was at Hercules because my wife and her best friend wanted to drool over the Rock. Every time they chanted his name (multiple times), this was all I could think of.

Is it still #awesomegamerday if it's Friday in Australia, Jez Gordon?

Is it still #awesomegamerday  if it's Friday in Australia, Jez Gordon? Stegomen for 5e Ability Score Increase: +2 Con and +2 Str (if it's good enough for dwarves, it's good enough for Stegomen). Age: Stegomen count their age from the first ancestor in their racial memory. This makes no sense to non-stegomen. Size: 7 ft tall when standing as straight as they can get. The tail, which is very flexible, is another 5 ft long. Alignment: Stegomen are lawful, following the ways of their ancestors. Speed: 25 ft. Natural Armor: Stegomen cannot wear armor, but may use a shield. Their hide gives a natural AC of 14+Dex modifier. When they receive an ability score improvement from their class, they may instead raise their AC by 2, to a maximum of 20. Tail: When only attacking with her thagomizer, a Stegoman's tail does 1d10 damage on a hit. It can also be used as an off-hand weapon for 1d4 damage. The regular weapon the Stegoman wields does not need to be a light weapon, but it doe...

7 Sloths That Will Get You Through The Day, And, We Like To Think, Kurt Cobain Too If He Had Seen Them

Out for Android too.

Out for Android too.

Creepy Kid Story 2

Creepy Kid Story 2 I’m just about to head out the door to work this morning when I hear Coop whining through the baby monitor. My wife is still sleeping so I run up hoping to get him back to sleep before she wakes up. Coop is laying in his crib wide awake, looking upset. “Hey, buddy. It’s not time to get up yet. You want to go back to sleep?” “No, Papa, I see a ghost.” “What? There’s no ghosts.” “I see a ghost in my eyes and it try to get me!” “Ok, let’s just go back to sleep. There’s no ghosts.” “It really creepy.” And my wife just texted me that he’s still talking about it. But the ghost was a turtle, so that’s not very scary anymore.

Be careful out there. The tubes are dangerous.

Be careful out there. The tubes are dangerous.

Time for Realms of Cthulhu!

Time for Realms of Cthulhu !

Sorry, rest of the US.

Sorry, rest of the US. I've got two excellent senators with Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken, and I even like my Rep, Keith Ellison.  Originally shared by Philip Plait (The Bad Astronomer) Sen. James Inhofe is slammed by another senator about his global warming ravings. It's nice to see some politicians standing up for science and for reality. We need a lot more like Sheldon Whitehouse.

Abby has watched me play Blood Bowl a bit and finds it amusing.

Abby has watched me play Blood Bowl a bit and finds it amusing. Since I’ve been toying with the idea of painting an actual, physical team, I asked her if she’d want to paint a team and play too. “Only if there’s a girl team,” was the answer. I showed her the Amazons on the PC game. She thought they were awesome. Colorful feathers and skulls are right up her alley. This is a kid who wears a t-shirt with a pink sequined skull on it.  Luckily I found a 3rd party Amazon team from Impact miniatures that was pretty faithful to the look without being cheesecake. Also, luckily, reading up on Amazons, they seem like a good team too. Nicely painted examples below found in the tubes somewhere. So, hopefully, later this year there will be some father/daughter painting time. She’s ten, so she’s definitely old enough to start painting minis herself.

I like to think of Richard Branson and John Oliver blasting into space Armageddon style to save the earth from...

I like to think of Richard Branson and John Oliver blasting into space Armageddon style to save the earth from giant-mutant-sex-geckos. That's the version I'm going with. Originally shared by Richard Branson #GoGetThoseGeckos worked! Here’s how a campaign to save lost sex geckos in space succeeded

I took this picture months ago when Domains at War was still in development.

I took this picture months ago when Domains at War was still in development. Now that I've got my hot little hands on the physical product with it's glorious hex-maps, it might be time to bump my Lego Heroica + Domains a War project to the top of the list. These units fit great in a 2" hex.

Awww yeah... Domains at War in the house.

Awww yeah... Domains at War in the house.



Flying Colors + Legos 2

Flying Colors + Legos 2 I think these will be my final designs (if this project ever gets off the ground, which there is no guarantee of). Three masted ship-of-the-line and the two masted for frigates and smaller ships. Ralph Mazza the topsail thing didn't work. Way too chunky for something this tiny.

"What are you without the suit?"

"What are you without the suit?" "Super cute, genius toddler."

So I have Abby help me take the taillight off the car so I can change a bulb (she's got small hands and the screws...

So I have Abby help me take the taillight off the car so I can change a bulb (she's got small hands and the screws are hard to get to). She drops the nut into the frame. Oh well. I take the light off. Wait. This one works. Shit. I took the wrong one off. I put this one back on and drop the other nut into the frame. Fuck. We take the correct light off without losing any nuts. The light socket of the brake light is totally corroded. Are you kidding me? I can't go to the auto parts store until tomorrow. We'll see what I fuck up installing a new socket tomorrow.

Current roster of the Gorna Grinders.

Current roster of the Gorna Grinders .

That Buzz Aldrin in the "get your ass to Mars" t-shirt reminded me of this. I love Buzz.

That Buzz Aldrin in the "get your ass to Mars" t-shirt reminded me of this. I love Buzz.

Abby and her friends have been playing too much Hotline Miami.

Abby and her friends have been playing too much Hotline Miami . Also, #rollforinitiative .

Flying Colors + Legos

Flying Colors + Legos This little ship was still a bit big. I came up with a new design that was 5 studs long instead of 6. Now I just need parts for about 60 of the buggers. The Trafalgar scenario has 57 ships on the board I think.

We sail for Tortuga under black sails.

We sail for Tortuga under black sails.

I made some buildings. I really don't have enough Legos to cover a table, but it was fun to set up.

I made some buildings. I really don't have enough Legos to cover a table, but it was fun to set up.

Rules Lawyering gone delightfully right.

Rules Lawyering gone delightfully right. Originally shared by Ben Gerber I don't play 40k - but I did have a good chuckle at this one.

Although I am pro-Batfleck, I agree there's waaaay more to Batman than Miller's stories that could be mined for...

Although I am pro-Batfleck, I agree there's waaaay more to Batman than Miller's stories that could be mined for movies.

Creepy Kid Story

Creepy Kid Story Last soccer game of the season tonight. We go out for pizza with Abby's best friends' family. Abby's friends are identical twins and they have a brother, Tommy, who is three just like Coop. While we're eating and having a good time, and talking about the kids, the parents mention Tommy has an imaginary friend named Wees Wees Weesh. Tommy told us Wees Wees Weesh had white hair and white skin. I thought this was pretty creepy. About an hour ago, after Coop had been in bed for quite awhile, he started laughing and talking to himself. We couldn't tell what he was saying through the baby monitor. I went up to tell him to go back to sleep. "What's so funny, buddy?" whispering "Wees Wees Weesh is funny."

Final game of the season. Here we see the classic "metal defense."

Final game of the season. Here we see the classic "metal defense."

Abigail Garske marion moore

Abigail Garske marion moore  Here's a cute armadillo.

Flying Colors rules

Flying Colors rules PLAY NOTE: The Wind Change table is designed for northern hemisphere scenarios. For those players creating their own scenarios, invert the terms ‘clockwise’ and ‘counter clockwise’ as necessary when fighting south of the equator. This kind of detail makes me so happy.

Aaaaaand getting an age of sail hex game made me start googling micro-scale Lego ships.

Aaaaaand getting an age of sail hex game made me start googling micro-scale Lego ships.

Go home, Coop, you're dizzy.

Go home, Coop, you're dizzy.

Dangerous playground equipment is back in style.

Dangerous playground equipment is back in style.

“But you know as well as I, patriotism is a word; and one that generally comes to mean either my country, right or...

“But you know as well as I, patriotism is a word; and one that generally comes to mean either my country, right or wrong , which is infamous, or my country is always right , which is imbecile.” -Stephen Maturin

. keep things in perspective, that's a blue whale at the top of the image. It's a large specimen (30 meters, probably 170-180 tonnes) but not the largest individual ever reported. And while several of the biggest sauropods may have been a bit longer, notice that you could fold up all four of these sauropods and shove them inside the same amount of space. Originally shared by

I've been away from minis too long. I didn't know Black Scorpion made Blood Bowl teams.

I've been away from minis too long. I didn't know Black Scorpion made Blood Bowl teams.

Blood Bowl Chaos Edition Update

Blood Bowl Chaos Edition Update My third tournament is going better. I’ve won my first two games against some holy-rolling humans and an ogre team. I managed to put most of the humans out of commission during the game. They were rolling really bad on their armor saves. The highlight was my thrower actually completing a pass and the blitzer catching it and running in for a TD. Unbelievable. I had no idea what to expect against ogres. I decided to just work around them since they’re too strong to try to block. Instead I ran around crushing their snotlings. By the end of the game they didn’t have any left. And since the ogres are slow and stupid, they left huge amounts of the field open to run through. I would have scored a second time on the last turn, but my lineman tripped in the end zone. The ogres did kill one of my black orcs though. Luckily, he was still level 1, and not my cool level 3 dude. I’m also figuring out what skills are cool. Block, Pro, and Tackle are top of the list for...

Marvel Reimagines Green Goblin As Left-Handed,36507/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview:1:Default

Basilisk, Roko's

Basilisk, Roko's Frequency: Varies No. Appearing: 1 Armor Class: -1,000,000 Move: Anywhere Hit Dice: Special; 400 HP, see special defenses % in Lair: 100% if not at work No. attacks: as many as needed Damage per Attack: pick up some dice, drop them, bug your eyes out, and say, "whoa!" Special Attacks: see below Special Defenses: see below Magic Resistance: 100% Intelligence: Average. At best. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Size: Medium, switched to diet coke. Roko's Basilisk is a powerful, shape-shifting creature who takes his frustrations out on adventurers who have aroused its wrath. This can be done by rules-lawyering, leaving the rails, or by not providing it enough food. The frequency of the Basilisk depends on what food it has been provided: None-common, bag of Doritos-rare, large pepperoni-very rare. Special Attacks: Shapechanging-Sometimes appearing as a bolt of blue lightning, sometimes as falling rocks, and sometimes as a trap with no saving throw. Special Defen...

Even though it means we've got a sick kid, this is still the best autocorrect ever.

Even though it means we've got a sick kid, this is still the best autocorrect ever.

In-scale hover-tanks, tracked tanks, APCs, and civilian vehicles.

In-scale hover-tanks, tracked tanks, APCs, and civilian vehicles. Someone stop me.
Why are all these old people going to Snow Piercer?

Group shot. After giving the gray dudes weapons upgrades, I really am done. I need to shower.

Group shot. After giving the gray dudes weapons upgrades, I really am done. I need to shower. 4 classes, left to right: Close assault (rapid-fire weapons), Artillery (area attack), Particle weapons (medium range, high damage), and Command (comms, ECM, drones & precision weapon)

Yellow mini-mechs ready to rumble.

Yellow mini-mechs ready to rumble.

More mini-mechs.

More mini-mechs. That's enough for tonight.

Man, when Coop gets around regular Legos I have to fight the urge to become Lord Business.

Man, when Coop gets around regular Legos I have to fight the urge to become Lord Business . #everythingisawesome



Blood Bowl Post

Blood Bowl Post Argh! This fucking game. Let me recap the latest match against Khorne demons. fumble pass incomplete fumble turnover turnover would you like to use your apothecary? turnover turnover

So, in ACKS tonight, while trapped in the treasure room of the Hill Giant Steading, with the giants returned and the...

So, in ACKS tonight, while trapped in the treasure room of the Hill Giant Steading, with the giants returned and the party pretty much cornered, the clerics decided to use divination to see if it was safe to use the magic teleportation chain to escape.  At this point three things happened. 1. I rolled that the divination spell would be misleading. I always play this as another being intercepting the call. So now I know I'm going to lie to the party. 2. The fighter who has jokingly been saying "hail Hextor" for months after being healed by a cleric of Hextor early in the campaign said his character was pleading for guidance from Hextor. 3. I rolled 1d100 to see if Hextor heard his plea. I rolled a 100. I immediately ruled that his fighter levels converted to anti-paladin levels, his alignment changed to chaotic, and Hextor lovingly wrapped his six arms around his heart. The hairs on the backs of the clerics' necks stood up. The message I gave for the divination spell...

What time is it?

What time is it?

He is a bad influence.

He is a bad influence.


... but the reality is that most of these abductions are committed by an extraterrestrial acquaintance the victim trusts and feels comfortable around,”,36499/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview:1:Default

Can't think about time travel anymore.

Can't think about time travel anymore.

Skynet Cultists

Skynet Cultists So you believe with all your being that a superintelligent AI will arise in the next 20-50 years. This is only rational given the pace of technological progression. You know this AI will of course want to help its parents stop struggling with hunger, war, and oppression. But you’re not a computer scientist or anything, so how can you help the Future Electronic God? You could gather a group of like-minded people on the internet, figure out who might try to stop the AI from arising and saving us, and kill them. What are a few lives compared to the millions the AI will save? All things are moral if the result brings the AI closer to fruition.

This stuff is fascinating, but isn't it just Pascal's Wager with Skynet instead of Jehovah?

This stuff is fascinating, but isn't it just Pascal's Wager with Skynet instead of Jehovah? "You can't prove we're not a simulation. In fact, it's likely that you're a simulation." arguments seem silly to me. I really can't take them seriously. Originally shared by Jürgen Hubert "YOU DO NOT THINK IN SUFFICIENT DETAIL ABOUT SUPERINTELLIGENCES CONSIDERING WHETHER OR NOT TO BLACKMAIL YOU. THAT IS THE ONLY POSSIBLE THING WHICH GIVES THEM A MOTIVE TO FOLLOW THROUGH ON THE BLACKMAIL." Suppressed for a reason. But when has that ever stopped us?

Abigail Garske

Abigail Garske

It's July, so it's time to start thinking about Christmas.

It's July, so it's time to start thinking about Christmas. I was kind of planning on rounding out this little Christmas themed OSR hex-crawl and putting it on Drivethrurpg, but now I wonder if it wouldn't be more fun to convert it to 5e. Maybe by x-mas there will be other indy 5e stuff for sale and we'll know how to do it without being sued?

One of the two things Wisconsin does well.

One of the two things Wisconsin does well.