
Showing posts from December, 2014

Here's what the map icons look like currently. I went with just black and white except for the water.

Here's what the map icons look like currently. I went with just black and white except for the water.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I'm releasing the map icons I've been drawing into the wild under a Creative Commons license. The folder contains the license, the icons, and a config file for Hexographer if you've got the paid version. I probably be adding to it, so look for updates. These are icons I've been making for my weird western setting, Riders of the Purple Lotus, so feature a western town, a ranch, a snake-city, pyramids, and some other funky stuff. If you want a hand drawn feel for your map, you might like these. #RotPL

Damn, Nanoblocks. You are fiddly.

Damn, Nanoblocks. You are fiddly.
Now that the giant is dead, what happens to his cloud-tower that the PCs are currently exploring?

The Dailies

Hey there, person who downloaded Unholy Land yesterday for free then went back today and paid more than the...

Hey there, person who downloaded Unholy Land yesterday for free then went back today and paid more than the suggested price, presumably after reading it...

Things you don't expect to find in your daughter's room: bag of heads.

Things you don't expect to find in your daughter's room: bag of heads.

Pretty much all kids.

Pretty much all kids. A couple pics of my wife, but only one of me sneaked in there. Only gaming related pics were my beholder pumpkin, Coop holding a die, and the ladies playing the Buffy board game. No Legos or board games with the kids.

Deep, deep Greyhawk nerd shit

Deep, deep Greyhawk nerd shit I'm in a Greyhawk history phase right now. Reading about the Scarlet Brotherhood and their history made me read more about the human ethnicities of Oerth. From that I went to the pantheons of the various groups as well. And I discovered that Kord, one of my favorite gods from 3e, is from the Suel pantheon. Wait though, the Scarlet Brotherhood are all Suel and they're horrible racist fanatics. What up with that Kord? Then I look closer and the Scarlet Brotherhood don't worship Kord because he's good and chaotic and not a Lawful Evil asshole. The Suel barbarians of both the frozen north and tropical south are the ones that worship him. Then I felt better. Kord is still awesome.

Stupid Hexcrawl Thoughts

Stupid Hexcrawl Thoughts I want players to be able to explore an entire continent. I could make a map like this one with 30 mile hexes. But I’m not sure I want to.  If I do make a huge map, there needs to be an easy way to break a hex down into more detail if necessary. And have a wide variety of encounters, exploration, social, environmental, and combat available.  If I don’t make a huge map, I don’t think I can make a procedural hex-generation system better than what is in Scarlet Heroes or other games.  I do think I can make interesting small, regional hex maps. So is the answer to combine hex and point crawls? Handle the travel between regions with rolls that determine what happened and the party’s condition when it arrives? I’m currently reading Into the Odd and Slumbering Ursine Dunes that will probably help me work out some ideas. Anything else I should read?

Attn Serial peeps.

Attn Serial peeps.

Abby left one of her new Lego Friends sets unattended in my presence.

Abby left one of her new Lego Friends sets unattended in my presence.

Clouded Judgement


”Papa, Wonder Woman rescued all the 'nanas.”

”Papa, Wonder Woman rescued all the 'nanas.”

I only work in black... And sometimes very dark gray.

I only work in black... And sometimes very dark gray.

Coop spent his Target gift cards on the Invisible Jet and a Batman mech-thing.

Coop spent his Target gift cards on the Invisible Jet and a Batman mech-thing.

Ed Harris is a robot cowboy. That's all I need to know.

Ed Harris is a robot cowboy. That's all I need to know. Need to watch the original again, haven't seen it in years. I do remember it being one of the first movies I ever saw that had a pessimistic ending. Did not compute when I was a kid. Now those are my favorite kinds of stories. Originally shared by Emily “Syreene” Vitori Hard to say from a brief glimpse in a video, but this could be pretty cool with Ed Harris taking on the Yul Brenner role and Christopher Nolan directing. Conspiracy theories are something that will never die, especially in this day and age... so we'll see if they come up with a new take on the "Robot Apocalypse" or if it will be a secret shadow organization trying to make the world "A Better Place." #westworld   #hbo

This was the coolest Christmas present we got this year (my Back to the Future Legos are a close second).

This was the coolest Christmas present we got this year (my Back to the Future Legos are a close second). We named him Jarvis.

Ok, one more little map. Added a cave, crashed UFO, and volcano icons. Toned down the waves too.

Ok, one more little map. Added a cave, crashed UFO, and volcano icons. Toned down the waves too. #rotpl

Same map in color. I think I need to redo the water icon, but otherwise notbad.jpg.

Same map in color. I think I need to redo the water icon, but otherwise notbad.jpg. #rotpl

Testing out making my own hex-map icons for Riders of the Purple Lotus.

Testing out making my own hex-map icons for Riders of the Purple Lotus . #rotpl

Dinosaurs had big ears, but everyone forgot this because dinosaur ears don't have bones. It's a Rock Fact.

Dinosaurs had big ears, but everyone forgot this because dinosaur ears don't have bones. It's a Rock Fact.

Auntie Whispers. shudder

Auntie Whispers. shudder

I think I'm home all alone tonight.

I think I'm home all alone tonight. I also don't have any gaming plans. I could build with Legos, play Skyrim or X-COM, do a solo run of Castle Ravenloft, paint minis, or put together a model. But I'll probably end up sitting on the couch flipping through my Netflix queue not able to decide on anything and then go surf the tubes until late and go to bed without doing anything productive.

I haven't read the 5e Monster Manual or spell descriptions that closely yet.

I haven't read the 5e Monster Manual or spell descriptions that closely yet. What are the min/maxxers favorite stats to have saving throw proficiency in? What do saves with Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma involve?

Reading the old Scarlet Brotherhood 2e Greyhawk supplement by Sean K.

Reading the old Scarlet Brotherhood 2e Greyhawk supplement by Sean K. Reynolds. My interest in Greyhawk comes mostly from the fact that Paizo's writers were huge Greyhawk nerds and inserted so many nerdy little details into their Dungeon Magazine adventure paths. Shackled City and Savage Tide were set in the far south near the Amedio Jungle. The Amedio was only really detailed in the Lost Shrine of Tamoachan before Sean K. Reynolds wrote this book in 1999. So in this book we get full details on the Scarlet Brotherhood, colonial fantastic racists and eugenicists. They're excellent bad guys. Slavers, spies, assassins, and evil monks. We also have tons of detail on the Olman, the fantasy Aztecs of Oerth. The Olman worship the Aztec pantheon, which are the actual Aztec gods. The gods home plane is "an alternate prime material plane."  The Touv are also introduced in this book. They are badass fantasy Africans. We get complete descriptions of their pantheon and lands....

So my dad got me a 1:48 Spitfire, and I got him an RAF fighter crew, plus some other modeling stuff, paints and a US...

So my dad got me a 1:48 Spitfire, and I got him an RAF fighter crew, plus some other modeling stuff, paints and a US Navy air crew. He made me take the RAF crew back. I guess I'm making a diorama.

"The Libyans! They found me!"

"The Libyans! They found me!"

Doc Brown's latest invention goes haywire.

Doc Brown's latest invention goes haywire.

Sailor Jerry makes everything merry.

Sailor Jerry makes everything merry.

Christmas Go Extinct!

Christmas Go Extinct!

Ok, so I'm glad I'm at work.

Ok, so I'm glad I'm at work. My wife told Abby to vacuum while she was in shower. This scared the dog, who then peed on the floor. Abby didn't see it and slipped in it, knocking a bunch of shit down in the process. Now lucky Andy Garske is cleaning it up. Merry Christmas, Garske family!

Are we posting badass Santas?

Are we posting badass Santas?

Abby learned Ode to Joy in orchestra and every time she plays it I can only think of Die Hard.

Abby learned Ode to Joy in orchestra and every time she plays it I can only think of Die Hard.

No one would have noticed if I didn't come to work today. I guess I can ride out four hours though.

No one would have noticed if I didn't come to work today. I guess I can ride out four hours though.

Holiday cheer levels in the kitchen are dangerously high.

Holiday cheer levels in the kitchen are dangerously high. I've retreated to my computer to make D&D characters and listen to Red Fang.

The last two ships from the Lego Star Wars advent calendar. A Y-Wing and an Imperial shuttle.

The last two ships from the Lego Star Wars advent calendar. A Y-Wing and an Imperial shuttle.

Shilling One Last Time

Shilling One Last Time It's just about Christmas, so this is the last time I will bug you to download Unholy Land if you haven't already.  This has been neat. It's the first time I've ever put any gaming related thing I've written up for sale. In the past I've just posted some links on free game websites. I'm motivated to do more in the future.  Thanks to everyone that picked it up, free or paying. If you read or played it, reviews would be nice! #merryhexmas

This seems like a thing that needs doing.

This seems like a thing that needs doing. I got a lot of problems with you people. Gamers and nerds in general: Nice job taking the fun out of everything. Crossguards on lightsabers are rad. D&D in all forms is rad. Fuck you all. Young People: Take your twitters and tumblrs and other things I don't understand and shove wherever would be most uncomfortable. Facebook: God, you suck more and more every day. America: Why are you so dumb? Like, so dumb. Every week there’s a new reason to think none of you live on the same planet as I do let alone in the same country. District 281: You are red-tape-loving viper-tongued douche weasels. Fuck you all.

One of the best, simplest rules in 5e is that combat classes that don't wear armor add another stat's bonus to their...

One of the best, simplest rules in 5e is that combat classes that don't wear armor add another stat's bonus to their AC. Wisdom for monks, Con for barbarians. Speaking of monks, I like them a lot. Flavorful but still seem easy to play.

Do not underestimate the "herd animal" on the encounter table.

Do not underestimate the "herd animal" on the encounter table. Originally shared by Kirill Grouchnikov #pixelpushing "Our rapidly expanding team is seeking a senior J2EE developer" and I was all like...

How did I miss this?

How did I miss this? There's a whole episode of Mystery Incorporated about D&D. It's called Crypts & Creatures on the show. Fred says, "Isn't that the nerdy role playing game that nerdy nerds play?"

My wife keeps making plans for us with other people.

My wife keeps making plans for us with other people.

Blue Ruin was an excellent thriller/revenge movie/character study.

Blue Ruin was an excellent thriller/revenge movie/character study.

I never used to like emojis. Abby changed my mind though.

I never used to like emojis. Abby changed my mind though.

Here's a Christmas message I support.

Here's a Christmas message I support. Santa Ain't Bringin Sh:

Bigger mech than I've built in awhile. This is pretty much MoF0 scale instead of my usual microscale.

Bigger mech than I've built in awhile. This is pretty much MoF0 scale instead of my usual microscale.

"Tell him about the Twinkie."

"Tell him about the Twinkie." "What about the Twinkie?"

Who will be the 200th person to download Unholy Land? It's pay-what-you-want, so just put it over the top!

Who will be the 200th person to download Unholy Land ? It's pay-what-you-want, so just put it over the top! Send it to your DM. Run it for Grandma on Christmas eve! The baby Jesus needs your help! #merryhexmas

Family went to bake christmas cookies at my sister-in-laws. This is me right now.

Family went to bake christmas cookies at my sister-in-laws. This is me right now.

A few more Transformers Vs.

A few more Transformers Vs. GI Joe panels because I can't help it. The amount of incredible images that get packed into 22 pages is crazy.

Cybertronian campaign maps.

Cybertronian campaign maps.

Dr. Venom reads from the Decepticonecronomicon.

Dr. Venom reads from the Decepticonecronomicon.

Go Extinct!

Go Extinct!

In last night's ACKS session, the PCs ended up on a small cloud fortress.

In last night's ACKS session, the PCs ended up on a small cloud fortress. They found a damaged TBM Avenger torpedo bomber and rescued Lt. Charlie Taylor of the US Navy from the cloud giant's tower. Last thing Lt. Taylor remembered was he and his fellows in Flight 19 flying in bad weather off the coast of Fort Lauderdale. The party said they'd never heard of Fort Lauderdale. Was it by Niole Dra, maybe? I think they're going to try to hire him as a henchman. But the bard has his .45 and he's not giving it back. Thanks to Derek Pennycuff for the idea.

"Everybody can relax, I found the car.

"Everybody can relax, I found the car. Needs some suspension work and shocks. Brakes, brake pads, lining, steering box, transmission, rear-end." "How much?" "Only $4800." "..." "Also new rings, mufflers, a little wiring."

"We're ready to believe you."

"We're ready to believe you."

You could put this in hex 05.09 of Unholy Land.

You could put this in hex 05.09 of Unholy Land . Originally shared by Michael Moscrip "Honeycombed with passages and chambers, it also became his mausoleum." Something for Christmas or Hanukkah gaming, maybe?

It's time for ACKS!

It's time for ACKS !