Wannagan Creek My favorite part of the Science Museum of MN is tucked away at the back of the paleontology wing. It’s a recreation of Wannagan Creek, a river that flowed through what is now the North Dakota badlands by Theodore Roosevelt National Park. People say the “Age of Reptiles” to describe dinosaurs, but the real age of reptiles was the few million years following the dinosaurs’ extinction, before mammals got so big. Wannagan Creek was home to three two different crocodilians and a choristoderan all occupying the same habitat. The large, apex-predator Borealosuchus (pictured), the little alligator Wannaganosuchus, who probably prowled the aquatic plants, and the large Champsosaur, Champsosaurus gigas, that probably fed on fish at the bottom of the river. It was also home to primitive primates, ungulates, turtles, snakes, all kinds of fish, and huge salamanders. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wannagan_Creek_site https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borealosuchus https://en.wikipedia.org...