
Showing posts from December, 2015

Intermission. Sam Jackson needs an Oscar. Kurt Russell is fantastic as ever.

Intermission. Sam Jackson needs an Oscar. Kurt Russell is fantastic as ever.

MFW I get in the theater for the 70mm Hateful Eight.

MFW I get in the theater for the 70mm Hateful Eight.

Two more hours at work...

Two more hours at work...

Searching old posts today since I'm the only one at work.

Searching old posts today since I'm the only one at work. Found this one that laments not being able to find a set of space dogfighting rules I liked. Over a year and a half later, Star Wars inspired me to write one that does almost everything I say I want here. Apparently I don't care about some of that stuff anymore. Originally shared by Casey G. Things I like in starfighter minis rules: Hex movement Movement/thrust points Special maneuvers that might fail Penalties/bonuses for target position Variety of weapons Easy combat resolution Critical hits Minimal bookkeeping  Some of these things seem to contradict each other, especially minimal bookkeeping with everything above it. I think it could be done, but I haven’t found it! Silent Death and Aerotech are mostly comparable for movement and I don’t find these systems that confusing, even adding in the optional movement rules for Silent Death. I like ...

No movie, so instead some wargame arts and crafts. This is a little air combat game called TAC (Table Air Combat).

No movie, so instead some wargame arts and crafts. This is a little air combat game called TAC (Table Air Combat).

MFW The Hateful Eight in 70mm is sold out and the dude asks me if I want a ticket for the regular version.

MFW The Hateful Eight in 70mm is sold out and the dude asks me if I want a ticket for the regular version.

Custom of the Sea

Custom of the Sea Gregor Vuga reminded me of this Far Side. The dog is taking this very seriously.

Previews have looked pretty good. We might have our first Ron Howard movie with cannibalism.

Previews have looked pretty good. We might have our first Ron Howard movie with cannibalism.   Captain Pollard and Charles Ramsdell were discovered gnawing on the bones of their shipmates in one boat. Owen Chase, Lawrence and Nickerson also survived to tell the tale. In all, seven sailors were consumed. via Nate McD

This is the kind of stuff I find cool and useful from the expanded universe.

This is the kind of stuff I find cool and useful from the expanded universe. Tactical organization The Starfighter Corps took most of its organization from the Clone Wars-era structure of the Republic Starfighter Corps, though the positions of fighter wings and fighter groups in the hierarchy were swapped: Element: 2 starfighters, consisting of a leader and a wingmate. Flight: 4 starfighters in 2 elements. Squadron: 12 starfighters in 3 flights. Group: 36 starfighters in 3 squadrons. Wing: 72 starfighters in 2 groups, typical complement of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer

Lemmy has become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Originally shared by Joel Webber Lemmy has become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Who would win in a fight? Lemmy or God?

Who would win in a fight? Lemmy or God?  Trick question.  Lemmy is God.

Holy crap, Prophet is good.

Holy crap, Prophet is good. The first story is a hexcrawl. I love how every other picture of the hero is him eating some random piece of meat.
Just saw Star Wars at a theater in Grand Forks, ND and I'm pretty the last movie I saw there was The Phantom Menace.

Thanks, Ted Cruz!

Thanks, Ted Cruz!

Santa brought Coop and I very similar books.

Santa brought Coop and I very similar books.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Han-ta Claus is coming to detention block AA-23.

Han-ta Claus is coming to detention block AA-23.

Nathan Panke​ is a righteous dude. You can also get Unholy Land in this year's Epimas bundle.

Nathan Panke​ is a righteous dude. You can also get Unholy Land in this year's Epimas bundle. Check out the Corporal Prancer bundle. Originally shared by Nathan “Spiciest DM” Panke It's that time of year! Go and pick up and then run Casey G.'s Unholy Land , a hex crawl based around the birth of Christ. It has it all, vampires, hoards of undead, dinosaurs, fishmen, goblins, and more, more, more... What says merry Christmas like a random encounter with a Roc? Nothing, nothing at all. It's PWYW but I'd suggest paying at least the suggested $2.99, I've run it at least 3x and it has payed for itself several times over



Target has these special forces TIE sets for like $3. They're in scale with the X-Wing I built.

Target has these special forces TIE sets for like $3. They're in scale with the X-Wing I built.

I got a Grinch hat.

I got a Grinch hat. Thanks, Stephen Moeller​.

Grandmother Fish is the best thing I've backed on Kickstarter.

Grandmother Fish is the best thing I've backed on Kickstarter. Originally shared by Grandmother Fish Big news: A deal is in the works with a major publisher. Further details (including preorder information and publication date) to be announced in the New Year. We wish we could tell you more, and we will tell you more as soon as we can. Thanks again for your support. #evolution

I'm ready to do this for any BB-8 toy.

I'm ready to do this for any BB-8 toy. Happy Festivus.

Season's greetings from Skynet.

Season's greetings from Skynet.

And with the canon — everyone refers to the canon, but it has zero meaning to me.

And with the canon — everyone refers to the canon, but it has zero meaning to me. I don't know what the canon is. I cannot get that straight. You don't sit down with stacks of "Star Wars" novels and study how it all fits together? [Laughs] No, I don't. I've written four "Star Wars" movies now, and I don't know what the canon is.   Hahahaha! Awesome.

One of my regular players has discovered a powered-by-the-Apocalypse game and says it looks “interesting.”

One of my regular players has discovered a powered-by-the-Apocalypse game and says it looks “interesting.”

Casting call for the next movie. I guess that's sort of spoilery.

Casting call for the next movie. I guess that's sort of spoilery.

Hey, The Real-ish Greg Gorgonmilk you ever see this one before?

Hey, The Real-ish Greg Gorgonmilk you ever see this one before? From the cover of Polyhedron 160/Dungeon 101. Iron Lords of Jupiter mini d20 setting.

Simpsons did it!

Simpsons did it! Apparently from a 2009 episode. They've been on so long they are hitting 1000 monkeys at 1000 typewriters territory.

Oh, Sarah Michelle Gellar is the voice of the Seventh Sister.

Oh, Sarah Michelle Gellar is the voice of the Seventh Sister. How did I not notice this? She's really good at playing evil.

Star Wars Question Slightly Spoilery

Star Wars Question Slightly Spoilery spoiler space spoiler space spoiler space spoiler space spoiler space spoiler space spoiler space spoiler space spoiler space spoiler space spoiler space spoiler space Han and Chewie’s freighter: has anyone seen decent pictures? I think it’s shown once when it’s swallowing the Falcon? What’s its name? How is it armed? What do the ships the other smugglers/pirates arrive in look like? This is my main complaint about the movie.


National. Treasure.

Cardboard tube lightsabers are what X-mas is all about.

Cardboard tube lightsabers are what X-mas is all about.

Roller derby night.

Roller derby night.


Snubfighter I know you've all been waiting for me to stat up the new ships from the Force Awakens. OG ships in the rules:

New movie will make you all...

New movie will make you all...

Me IRL right now.

Me IRL right now.

”Papa, this game is called Star Wars Attack Destroy. But we don't need dice.”

”Papa, this game is called Star Wars Attack Destroy. But we don't need dice.”

Resharing for today.

Resharing for today. Originally shared by Casey G. Scarlet Heroes Jedi class Starting HP: 6 HP per Level: 3 Starting Attack bonus: +1 Att Bonus Gain: ½ pt. per level Lightsaber Defense: -1 AC at even levels Lightsaber: 1d6 dm, increases 1 die step at 3rd (1d8), 6th (1d10), and 9th (1d12) levels. Fray Die: 1d4, affects all enemies regardless of hit dice. The Force: A bonus 3 pt. Trait. Applies to classic Jedi abilities like telekinesis, acrobatics, and Jedi mind tricks. Like the thief bonus trait, this increases by 1 every level, leading the Jedi to being capable of supernatural physical and mental feats. The Dark Side If a Jedi gives in to the dark side, their Fray Die increases to 1d8 for one encounter, but on their next Defy Death roll, if the roll would fail, they instead survive, but turn to the dark side completely and become an NPC.

Do good parents let their kids play Super Meat Boy?

Do good parents let their kids play Super Meat Boy?

Tonight's project: micro-machines+Litko bases=awesome.

Tonight's project: micro-machines+Litko bases=awesome.


Snubfighter I didn’t have any specific “real-world” ranges or speeds in mind for Snubfighter. If it played fine, that’s generally good enough for me. But of course I drifted to Wookiepedia and looked up the fictional speeds and weapon ranges of various starfighters. So here’s what I came up with: 1 hex = 1km. 1 turn = 20 seconds (an amount of time that feels like enough to maneuver) This means the X-Wing’s 5 hexes of movement gives it a speed of 900km per hour, which is close to its fictional speed (a bit slower, but you have to assume the top speed is optimal conditions.) It’s also slower than mach 1, so it’s not too fast for dogfighting. The above is all hand-wavey garbage, but it was fun to figure out.

Conan + Star Wars = Thundarr.

Conan + Star Wars = Thundarr. Originally shared by Matthew “Polybius” H #starwars   #spoilers

There haven't been a lot of ships in this year's Lego Star Wars advent calendar, but this week has two.

There haven't been a lot of ships in this year's Lego Star Wars advent calendar, but this week has two. The Falcon is OK, but the A-Wing is delightful .


Originally shared by Scarfolk Council NEW! "Use The Forceps!" Unreleased Star Wars merchandise prototypes (1977). More info here:

If only we'd had our Roomba when Coop was born...

If only we'd had our Roomba when Coop was born...


Originally shared by Kaj Sotala

Hey, music peeps.

Hey, music peeps. I like Perturbator a lot. But lots of other retro-synth stuff is slow, boring, droning, Vangelis wanking. Is there other stuff that adds a bit of metal? I need writing music for my upcoming cyberpunk campaign.


Mimetic-poly-puffball. Originally shared by Kirill Grouchnikov Come with me if you want to live

Sorry, R2 and adorable little BB-8, but the best droid is obviously Chopper.

Sorry, R2 and adorable little BB-8, but the best droid is obviously Chopper.

When you realize part of your Amazon order wasn't eligible for Prime and is coming regular mail.

When you realize part of your Amazon order wasn't eligible for Prime and is coming regular mail.

If anything could get me into non-fantasy/sci-fi wargaming, it's this 80's WWIII game. Look at those Hinds!

If anything could get me into non-fantasy/sci-fi wargaming, it's this 80's WWIII game. Look at those Hinds!

This is awesome and would be my superhero rules of choice.

This is awesome and would be my superhero rules of choice. Originally shared by **** Last year, I reworked FASERIP / 4CS to use a 1d20 (with some other minor changes) and put together a PDF called PH4SE

Great models, great story.

Great models, great story.

Just came across this chart that ILM’s effects dept.

Just came across this chart that ILM’s effects dept. used to compare the performance of various starfighters for the Return of the Jedi space battle. I think I need to tweak the speeds of a couple ships for Snubfighter now.

Saturday I switch from Star Wars to Tarantino fanboy mode.

Saturday I switch from Star Wars to Tarantino fanboy mode.

Debbie Harry would have made an excellent Imperial Admiral.

Debbie Harry would have made an excellent Imperial Admiral.

So there's a sequel to one of the worst movies of all time coming out.

So there's a sequel to one of the worst movies of all time coming out. Only Armageddon makes me angrier. It's bad. Bad bad, not so bad it's good. It shits on my beloved Area 51. It never acknowledges War of the Worlds. It's terrible. Seethe in impotent rage at my closed comments, nerds.

I taught Abby how to customize her phone home screen and this is what she did...sniff.

I taught Abby how to customize her phone home screen and this is what she did...sniff.  After she was done she said, "How do you stop yourself from changing it all the time?"




Snubfighter Now cleaned up and with columns. This works pretty nicely for what I want out of a space dogfighting game. And only two pages of rules and another two pages of Star Wars and BSG ships.

I'm putting the OSR back into Epimas and no one can stop me.

I'm putting the OSR back into Epimas and no one can stop me. Originally shared by Epidiah Ravachol The War on #Epimas Ends This Year! We are taking the holiday back!


Snubfighter Not bad. Colonials won with only the Mk. VII remaining. Things I didn't anticipate: A damaged ship not having a legal move because it only had 2 MP and the only hexes it could move to were occupied. Having to decide on ramming rules when a Raider lost its cannons and had no other weapons. Also, scenarios with victory conditions would be better than a slugfest. The last two ships endlessly chasing each other was not that fun.


Snubfighter It's a furball now. After the maneuvering, which the Colonials were able to take advantage of, one Raider lost is guns and another its targeting system. But Raider A made a spectacular shot which Viper A didn't see coming and blew Viper A away totally.


Snubfighter Contact. The Mk. VII and Raider D trade fire at max range, but no hits. Vipers A and B do light damage to their targets with missiles while still out of the Raiders' range.


Snubfighter Playtest time.

Time for some melonfarming D&D!

Time for some melonfarming D&D !