Showing posts from December, 2016
"I've got my New Year's Resolution for... - Orcs of New York | Facebook
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The third day of family vacation, Nurgle blessed me with pink eye.
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Saw the Terracotta warriors yesterday.
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Saw the Terracotta warriors yesterday. Makes me think of new possibilities for high-level D&D played in the afterlife. Your PC attains name-level, conquers a domain, builds a tomb, and fills it with clay warriors, servants and animals. If the PC dies and is placed in their tomb, play continues in the afterlife with the PC having whatever they managed to fill their tomb with.
My insolent whelp just told me I was too drunk to score our Canasta hand.
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Abby's new Ghostbusters have joined my classic. Cars are the same scale. We're going to have to play GBI now.
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Every time I search G+ for one of my old posts the Hexenbracken thread is in the results somewhere.
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I must have been naughty. This is going to infuriate me before I'm done.
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Eric Fabiaschi has an Unholy Land review here.
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Eric Fabiaschi has an Unholy Land review here. There's an updated version with new encounters and NPCs including a super villain and a modern IDF tank crew in the Epimas bundles here: Originally shared by **** Uncle Eric here I threw this review together last year & just wanted to bring attention back to this OSR title again.
Weather changing our Christmas plans means the family is gone until late Xmas Eve which sucks so I'm going to party...
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Trump tweeted today that we need more nukes. In unrelated news, DEFCON is on sale for a buck fifty.
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Hey, I'm using Jeff and Brendan's 20 questions to help me get a feel for my upcoming Perdition campaign.
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That's a lot of stuff.
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That's a lot of stuff. I didn't remember the GM screen being included. The character folio is almost useless. It's that glossy paper so pencil would barely work on it and you couldn't really erase anything. And writing character stats in pen seems blasphemous. But the books are very nice and the GM screen is an excellent size, 6" high.
I’ve listened to the first few chapters of Ivanhoe now, and I’m finding it entertaining.
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Mrs. G and I just sent a super stern email to our townhouse association about snow removal.
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Perdition Thoughts
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Perdition Thoughts I mentioned before that Perdition would be the game to look at if you wanted to do Darkest Dungeon D&D, and I’m more convinced than ever. The loaded Encounter Die + Stress is not exactly the same as Darkest Dungeon’s light/stress mechanic, but it evokes exactly the same feeling. And the increased risk/benefit of running high on Stress is comparable the light level/critical/treasure interaction in DD. Also, I need to put something similar to this into Stay Frosty . I was already using an Encounter Die, but balancing combat stress vs. increased Frostiness needs to be in there.
I wonder which Wargames scenario is running right now?
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Hey, impersonal universe, if we could stop getting the short end of the stick every time the time-line splits, we’d...
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Checking out the Ivanhoe audio-book from the library.
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Checking out the Ivanhoe audio-book from the library. I caught the movie a few times when I was a kid. And even though it was from the 50’s, the costumes, jousting, sword fighting, (spoiler-alert) Robin Hood, and Elizabeth Taylor kept me enthralled. Hoping I don’t find the novel too dry. I’ve got a lot of driving to do over the holidays and I need to stay awake.
Thinking more about Western themed Perdition: What kind of herd animal should devils ranch?
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Starting map for my western-flavored Perdition campaign.
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I noticed this right away. Glorious 70's mustaches everywhere.
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I had to yell at the kids to get them to stop fighting about whether Empire Strikes Back is the 2nd or 5th Star Wars...
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My face when I think that Perdition would make a good fantasy western campaign and I look at the equipment list and...
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Gonna see the Supersuckers at the VFW tonight and make this Wednesday feel like a pretty good Thursday.
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"The only thing missing from a terrible 2016 was a story about Santa Claus lying about a dying child."
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Cool things about Perdition
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Cool things about Perdition A built in dump-stat. Attacks tied to every stat (but not nonsensically like 4e). The Stress mechanic (if you want to play Darkest Dungeon D&D, this is probably your game). Explicit rules for making a deal with the devil (also useful for wishes in regular D&D). A unique crap-sack world setting that manages to be something new but is still tied to vanilla D&D ideas. Lots of character options for your different player types whether “it’s roleplaying not roll playing” or min-maxxer.
Don't tell my players but my itch to switch campaigns is increasing.
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Don't tell my players but my itch to switch campaigns is increasing. Retro 80's cyberpunk D&D was fun until an 80's reject made the real world a much, much weirder cyberpunk dystopia than I can imagine. Now I'm really feeling the urge to switch to Perdition and try that out, then maybe lighten it up with Operation Unfathomable later next year...
Whoa. Bricklink, a Lego website where you can buy or sell parts, now has a Lego builder program.
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Say you’re at the mall and suddenly the building pitches up vertical because the mall is actually a Transformer and...
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Say you’re at the mall and suddenly the building pitches up vertical because the mall is actually a Transformer and now you’re in its leg. You want to go up because you’re chasing a different transformer at that’s where it is going. So a running fight while climbing and dodging falling material goods and consumers that are now falling past you. Arbitrarily, I’m going to say there are sixteen “elevations” to go up before you’re out of the leg and into the next part of the Mall-former. This seems to call for a special system. This is 5e, so you get a move and an action. We’re going to call this 2 actions, only one can be an attack. Options: Climb – moves you up one elevation. DC 10 athletics/acrobatics check. A fail means no progress up. A 1 means you fall. Dodge – you have advantage on saves to get out of the way of debris or an attack against you has disadvantage. Rescue – make a DC 10 ability score roll of your choice, if successful, you rescue someone and get a point of inspiration. ...
Finding North America’s lost medieval city: fantastic piece by @annaleen http://arstechnica.
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News of the Future
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News of the Future August 2018 – it is revealed that the group of rogue CIA agents charged with conspiring to overthrow President Trump called themselves “The Order of the Phoenix” in their internal communications. “These nerds. Sad,” stated President Trump. “Maybe I should send them to Azkaban instead of Guantanamo.”
Just because I had Legos and hex boards both on the table.
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Looks like Epimas is live for 2016.
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Looks like Epimas is live for 2016. This is the deal where Epidiah Ravachol gets a bunch of nerds to donate pdfs of their elfgames and whatnot and puts them in weird bundles then all the designers split the cash. This year Unholy Land has been updated with new content. It’s available with the 2nd edition of some game about the apocalypse or something. Might be worth checking out after reading the sweet new random encounters in Unholy Land. Personally, I think I’ll be getting the bundle at the link below. I’ve read By Crom! as a webcomic, but a pdf of the book would be sweet. Also, The Indie Hack and Monasteries & Relics seem neat. Lastly, any cash I make from Epimas is being donated to the Satanic Temple’s Religious Reproductive Rights Legal Aid Fund.