Parent Post This spring I wrote a post asking if people had had success with Sylvan Learning Centers. My daughter wasn’t making progress with reading at school, had been behind for years, and we were getting more concerned than we already had been. Throughout school we’d heard things like “she’ll get over the hump,” (she’s going into 5th grade and we’ve heard this from every teacher since kindergarten), and “read more at home,” (we’ve required her to read for an hour after school since 2nd grade, it would be temporally impossible to read more, do her homework, and eat dinner before having to go to bed). She went to Sylvan, but despite having been told by the school she didn’t have a learning disability, I started doing some research on my own. When I looked at symptoms of dyslexia I could go right down the line, “Abby does that, and that, yep, that too.” Since school was out, there was nothing we could do there. I looked at private options for testing and found one that fit the bill. S...