
Showing posts from October, 2016

To sum up Halloween...

To sum up Halloween...

Magick & Megacorps 2085 ep. 16


That's a really good cover, Penguin.

That's a really good cover, Penguin.

This exact scenario is used by David Drake in his Robert E. Howard pastiche The Dragon King.

This exact scenario is used by David Drake in his Robert E. Howard pastiche The Dragon King . Originally shared by Jennifer Ouellette Buried Alive with an Undead Corpse! A Medieval Tale

The election ceased being funny long ago.

The election ceased being funny long ago. I don't even want to look at my own joke profile picture anymore. Here's a doodle of me my kid did. Much better.

Pretty casual after destroying his parents at Memory.

Pretty casual after destroying his parents at Memory.

Rain or shine.

Rain or shine. Originally shared by Scarfolk Council Halloween Weekend. If you're attending the Scarfolk Wicker Man tomorrow, please ensure your clothes are dry so that they burn more easily.

Time for some D&D!

Time for some D&D ! Maybe we'll get out of this pyramid we've been in for months?

The Super Fighters cast.

The Super Fighters cast.

These kids get it.

These kids get it. QB: Why did you start making your own roleplaying game, instead of just using Dungeons & Dragons? DM: …it’s fun. QB: It is fun, isn’t it? What things about it do you like better than the normal D&D rules? DM: Well…you can have a special power. Player: Well, it’s also that creating your own game, your own Dungeons and Dragons game…it’s showing how much you like D&D.

Dark Onion.

Dark Onion. Originally shared by The Onion The soothing and profound state of calm was cut off after what sources confirmed was only a few blissful seconds.

Got my cholesterol test results back today. So I made bacon egg and cheese sliders.

Got my cholesterol test results back today. So I made bacon egg and cheese sliders.

So long, Vine. I didn't use you much, but I did capture this with you.

So long, Vine. I didn't use you much, but I did capture this with you.


Mark Witton, my favorite paleoartist, painted some Mythos monsters for Halloween.





A brave soldier in the Skeleton War.

A brave soldier in the Skeleton War. Originally shared by Matthew “Polybius” H #spoopy  pupper doggo #halloween

Goblin faces.

Goblin faces. Originally shared by The Public Domain Review BATS!!! — Plate 67 from Ernst Haeckel’s visually dazzling Kunstformen der Natur, (Art Forms of Nature), published in 1904. Focusing mainly on marine animals, the bat is one of the only mammals featured in the book, but the page of surprisingly cute “chiroptera” is certainly one of its most striking offerings: Check out also our t-shirt ( ) and poster ( ) featuring the image.

When the new TMNT Heroclix came out I bought one single, but ordered everything else I needed through Troll & Toad.

When the new TMNT Heroclix came out I bought one single, but ordered everything else I needed through Troll & Toad. But that single was 1987 cartoon Leonardo. Coop became fascinated with it. He wanted to watch the cartoon. Amazingly, there are a ton of full episodes with no commercials on YouTube. So we watched a bunch. Not as bad as I remembered, still not good. The theme song was written and performed by Chuck Lorre, who created the Big Bang Theory, which I have never watched but instinctively hate. That song is stuck in my head and it won’t leave. Screw you, little plastic goofy Leonardo, and you too, Chuck Lorre.

I agree with Dungeons & Donalds on the important issues.

I agree with Dungeons & Donalds on the important issues.



Everything is going to be fine, Stephen Holowczyk​.

Everything is going to be fine, Stephen Holowczyk​.

Mrs G. and I finished Jessica Jones last night. Only two seasons behind on Marvel Netflix shows now!

Mrs G. and I finished Jessica Jones last night. Only two seasons behind on Marvel Netflix shows now!

The 19th-Century Night Soil Men Who Carted Away America’s Waste

Dungeon navigation.

Dungeon navigation.

Even with a map navigating a dungeon would be hard.

Even with a map navigating a dungeon would be hard.

Played some TMNT Heroclix.

Played some TMNT Heroclix. The game was pretty much over after the third turn when Donatello Outwitted Shredder's defense power and managed to smack him as well. Then Leo pushed to attack and rolled boxcars for 5 clicks of damage. This killed Shredder and knocked him back, eliminating his thermite grenade power that explodes for 3 damage with a range of 3 squares when he's KO'd. The Foot managed to take out Mikey and Casey but couldn't stand up to the might of the Turtles.

RIP Steve Dillon.

RIP Steve Dillon.

Tonight at world famous First Avenue.

Tonight at world famous First Avenue.

TL/DR: "Never mind manoeuvres, always go at them."

TL/DR: "Never mind manoeuvres, always go at them." Originally shared by The British Library Today marks the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar. This memo, written by Lord Nelson 12 days before the battle, explains the basis of his tactics to engage the combined fleets of the French and Spanish navies. The logbook which records the moment of Nelson's death is also held at the British Library and simply states 'Nelson died' when he was shot by a French musketeer during the battle. #TrafalgarDay

Fits my experience.

Fits my experience. Originally shared by Ben Milton Hey a blog update on how 10 year olds know what's going on better than most professional RPG designers.

Frankenstein Alternate History Thoughts

Frankenstein Alternate History Thoughts Frankenstein completes the female monster. Henry Clerval’s murder never takes place and he is hired by the East India Company. His contributions increase its already considerable power. Frankenstein’s worst fears come true. The female monster hates humanity more than the original monster. Not content to stay hidden in the wilderness, they steal Frankenstein’s notes, constructing an army for themselves. Great Britain falls, with the Company becoming the de facto government of the British Empire, based in India. Europe is a battlefield, with huge Frankensteinian war-monsters battling Corporate Empire Legions.

That Logan trailer...

That Logan trailer... Aging hero... One last mission... Bleak western landscape... Protect a kid... Head stabbing... Johnny Cash... I'm being pandered to and I love it.

Throwback Thursday.

Throwback Thursday. Five years ago today playing Song of Blades and Heroes before bed. She turns 13 in less than two weeks. 13!

You guys know James Gunn is on G+, right?

You guys know James Gunn is on G+, right? ”You just need to find a woman who is pathetic. Like you.” Originally shared by ****

The tinkering never stops. Also, the Heisenberg filter on the Prisma app is neat.

The tinkering never stops. Also, the Heisenberg filter on the Prisma app is neat.

Kickstarter is killing me. You know you want a card game about cladistics.

Kickstarter is killing me. You know you want a card game about cladistics. Originally shared by Grandmother Fish In less than 24 hours, we have over 200 backers, and we're within $1K of getting funded! Thanks, everyone!


#meirl Originally shared by The Onion Area Man's Knee Making Weird Sound

Abby laughing at swim memes while we're at Coop's lessons.

Abby laughing at swim memes while we're at Coop's lessons.

Includes an excellent TMNT: After the Bomb story.

Includes an excellent TMNT: After the Bomb story. Originally shared by Ben Milton Prison D&D.

Went and voted this morning.

Went and voted this morning.

Time vs. Risk

Time vs. Risk Most skills automatically succeed if the party takes a Turn to do them (searching for secret doors, disarming traps, deciphering text, detecting magic, etc), incurring an Exploration Die roll. A Skill roll can be made to perform the task quickly, not triggering an Exploration Die roll. But if a natural 1 is rolled, roll on the Calamity Table. The Exploration Die would be something like Gus L's with a combo of encounters, light, magic, and fatigue. The Calamity Table would be ambushes, equipment breaking or lost, etc.

Character sheet mashing up Swords & Wizardry, 5e, and the Black Hack.

Character sheet mashing up Swords & Wizardry, 5e, and the Black Hack. Why? I dunno, just needed to get it out of my head.

Michaelangelo by Abby, Raphael and Donatello by Coop, Leonardo by me.

Michaelangelo by Abby, Raphael and Donatello by Coop, Leonardo by me.

Coop drew his first Ninja Turtle.

Coop drew his first Ninja Turtle.

"The Slimegrabber has eight hit points.

"The Slimegrabber has eight hit points. The Crocobiter has fifteen hit points. The Rhinotone has sixteen hit points..."

Made my save throw vs.

Made my save throw vs. that new Gale Force 9 Tanks skirmish game while at the game store today. But I saw that the new set of TMNT Heroclix were out. So when I got home I ordered everything I'd want from it as single from Troll & Toad. Mirage versions of Shredder, Foot ninjas, and Triceratons.

evandro novel did you see the updated Hammer Wars? Looks like Warstuff for large armies.

evandro novel did you see the updated Hammer Wars? Looks like Warstuff for large armies.

D&D time.

D&D time.

Well, shit.

Well, shit. Mrs. G found a dead mouse. The cat killed it apparently. We should probably get a chicken as another line of defense though.

Halloween Spooktacular Savings Event!

Originally shared by Zzarchov Kowolski Halloween Spooktacular Savings Event! From October 13th until Halloween, the PRICE of EVIL is on for half price. If you are looking for a Halloween game, you can't go wrong with a unique haunted house generator.

What a doofus.

What a doofus. Originally shared by The Onion "The dirt’s that way, Einstein."

Derek Pennycuff​ Joe Lansdale weighs in.

Derek Pennycuff​ Joe Lansdale weighs in. Originally shared by David Brin What underlies the confederate uprising? Is it 'values'? Or something simpler. It's not that the pro-Trump people are stupid or ignorant, it's that they've been sold fear: Fear of immigrants, fear of blacks, fear of losing their job, fear of economic collapse, fear of liberals, fear of the smartypants professionals like scientists, teachers, journalists, doctors who understand a century that they find boggling..... "What drives these folks is fear; but for many, it’s a delicious fear. It’s a chance for the bored and disappointed to play army, a way to justify having tons of guns and ammunition. They feel that if not for their vigilance, dead-eye aim, and concealment due to camouflaged pants and a Duck Dynasty cap, we would be standing on the edge of a precipice looking into the bowels of hell," writes Joe Lansdale in the Texas Observer.

I have wanted Operation Unfathomable since they started releasing these comics.

I have wanted Operation Unfathomable since they started releasing these comics. MORE.

Parasitic Jumping Wasp HD 1, AC 5, 1 Sting, 1d3 DM + poison

Parasitic Jumping Wasp HD 1, AC 5, 1 Sting, 1d3 DM + poison Ambush: surprises 4 times in 6 Paralyzing poison: save vs. poison or be paralyzed for 1d4 turns. Egg implant: while the victim is paralyzed, the wasp implants an egg into the abdomen. Unless removed, the victim loses 1 point of Con per day. After 3d6 days, the juvenile wasp emerges from the victim, causing 3d6 damage. Originally shared by Betsy McCall

Attention Twin Citians and other midwest peeps.

Attention Twin Citians and other midwest peeps. Originally shared by Jay Exonauts We're back at Con of the North in 2017! #conofthenorth   #spaceopera   #saturdaynightspaceopera   #RPGs   #roleplayinggames

I’m listening to Frankenstein.

I’m listening to Frankenstein. Much better book than Dracula. And as much as I like the classic Universal Frankenstein’s monster, I like the book monster more. He’s huge, strong, fast, agile, and smart. With all his physical power, he’s still cunning enough to frame a girl for a murder he committed. That’s pretty terrifying. I suppose Penny Dreadful’s monster is the most accurate I’ve seen on screen in attitude, but I’ve wished he was bigger and less whiny.


#minnesotaman   Originally shared by Tim S I'm disappointed this wasn't the work of Floridaman.

Playing 40K video games led me to reading the 40K Lexicanum wiki, from which I learned there was an Armageddon board...

Playing 40K video games led me to reading the 40K Lexicanum wiki, from which I learned there was an Armageddon board game that came before the big 2000 event which I did know about, which led me to learn there was a pdf version of the game, which I downloaded, and found this rad picture in the rulebook.

No joke, this is the first time I've ever watched a Kickstarter video.

No joke, this is the first time I've ever watched a Kickstarter video. Worth it.

Election Round-up

Election Round-up Middle-aged white Republicans at work sound like they’re not even going to vote. I went to my first election judge training. This was about how to use the new iPad based voter check-in/registration system. My reason for volunteering was correct. Everyone else there was at least 10 years older than I was, and most more than that. I wonder if anyone thought about the average age of a poll worker when they decided to switch from paper to electronic check in. There were a couple people who just didn’t get it. So, non-Minneapolis Hennepin county residents, you’ll be checked in with these iPad devices.

Got my flu shot.

Got my flu shot.

After watching about five minutes of the debate last night, I retreated to my computer and played Armageddon: Da...

After watching about five minutes of the debate last night, I retreated to my computer and played Armageddon: Da Orks. Watching my Goff Guard scythe their way through Hive Hades was very soothing.

After playing Castle Ravenloft, it's just as fun to play with the tiles and minis.

After playing Castle Ravenloft, it's just as fun to play with the tiles and minis.

Played Imperial Assault with the boys tonight.

Played Imperial Assault with the boys tonight. I love/hate this game. Worst rulebook ever.

"This guy must want to die. Why would you jump at a dragon?"

"This guy must want to die. Why would you jump at a dragon?" "The floor is gold. How's he going to get it all out? Put it in a giant treasure chest? ?It'll be too big to carry!" "Maybe the dragon is just misunderstood."

Just slaughtering refugees.

Just slaughtering refugees.



That's a lot of dakka.

That's a lot of dakka.

"I stabbed the Uruk Hai in the butt and he pooped on me."

"I stabbed the Uruk Hai in the butt and he pooped on me."

And according to my 12 year old, kids at school are claiming to have seen evil clowns.

And according to my 12 year old, kids at school are claiming to have seen evil clowns. Which gave me the chance to explain urban legends. So hooray for evil clown flaps.

I was wondering if it would happen and it did. Got the clown email from the school district.

I was wondering if it would happen and it did. Got the clown email from the school district. Please report any suspicious activities, including clowns, to your local police department. Students can report these activities to district staff and administrators. Students are also encouraged not to fuel these rumors via social media, and not to dress up like clowns for school.

I've been waiting to buy a hardcover of S&W since I heard this was happening.

I've been waiting to buy a hardcover of S&W since I heard this was happening. Originally shared by **** Here we go! The Kickstarter for the 3rd Printing of Swords & Wizardry, Project Managed, Art Directed, and a whole lot of other things by myself, plus a cast of awesome women: Leigh Tuckman (Layout/Design), Kaos Nest (Cover/Interior Art), Abigail Larson (Interior Art - Classes), Gennifer Bone (Interior Art - Monsters), Jenna Fowler (Interior Art - Spells), Angela Rizza (Interior Art - Borders/Full Pages), plus pieces by Martina Lexi and Iris Compiet! Also, big thanks to Elizabeth Chaipraditkul for her adventure, The Five Maidens! I am in love with the book, and very thankful to Bill Webb and Matt Finch for giving me the time, space, patience, and encouragement to make this a thing of my own and for grasping onto my one-paragraph off-the-cuff pitch in a G+ comment and running with it.

Just heard one of the company’s execs talk about how he was voting for Trump because he wants the system to break.

Just heard one of the company’s execs talk about how he was voting for Trump because he wants the system to break. That’ll be good for business I’m sure.

Last night I was thinking, “I really wish I could find a turn-based mech game.

Last night I was thinking, “I really wish I could find a turn-based mech game. All these games on Steam are action games.” Then I remembered I bought Front Mission 3 for my PS3 over a year ago and had never played it. Problem solved.

Everyone is like, “I finished Luke Cage!” and I’m over here, “Almost done with season 1 of Kimmy Schmidt!”

Everyone is like, “I finished Luke Cage!” and I’m over here, “Almost done with season 1 of Kimmy Schmidt!”

Coop and I played Warstuff 2.

Coop and I played Warstuff 2.0 with some mods of my own on my new Mars terrain. Mars Defense Force infantry backed up by a grav tank and APC versus Mining Guild rebels in modified mining walkers. Cork makes good desert terrain. Next time I'd just spring for 1" cork tiles instead of gluing cork sheet to MDF board. A light spray of two shades of brownish red over the natural cork color looks great. Building are electrical fixture boxes and packing material. Warstuff 2.0 is good, but holy cow it's hard to kill things with the Tough ability. I'll think twice about using that again. The rebels won, finally whittling the tank down and destroying it. The tank and APC were rolling just terrible.