I've been waiting to buy a hardcover of S&W since I heard this was happening. Originally shared by **** Here we go! The Kickstarter for the 3rd Printing of Swords & Wizardry, Project Managed, Art Directed, and a whole lot of other things by myself, plus a cast of awesome women: Leigh Tuckman (Layout/Design), Kaos Nest (Cover/Interior Art), Abigail Larson (Interior Art - Classes), Gennifer Bone (Interior Art - Monsters), Jenna Fowler (Interior Art - Spells), Angela Rizza (Interior Art - Borders/Full Pages), plus pieces by Martina Lexi and Iris Compiet! Also, big thanks to Elizabeth Chaipraditkul for her adventure, The Five Maidens! I am in love with the book, and very thankful to Bill Webb and Matt Finch for giving me the time, space, patience, and encouragement to make this a thing of my own and for grasping onto my one-paragraph off-the-cuff pitch in a G+ comment and running with it. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/froggodgames/swords-and-wizardry-complete-rulebook-3r...