Monk Class for Scarlet Heroes Basically similar to the Scarlet Heroes thief, but replacing the sneak attack ability with the unarmed strike and AC bonus. Starting HP: 4 HP per Level: 2 Starting Attack bonus: +1 Att Bonus Gain: ½ pt. per level AC bonus: -1 AC at even levels Unarmed Strike: 1d6 dm, increases 1 die step at 3rd (1d8), 6th (1d10), and 9th (1d12) levels. Fray Die: 1d6 Monk Trait: A bonus 3 pt. Trait describing your martial arts style. Applies to classic monk abilities like feats of acrobatics, resistance to mental attacks, and resistance to physical effects like poison and disease. Like the thief bonus trait, this increases by 1 every level, leading the monk to being capable of supernatural physical and mental feats. And since the picture is my Kenku/Tengu character, Loplop, here's the simple race traits I'm using. Kenku/Tengu 1 point trait in Kenku Mimicry. Kenku are masters of mimicry and can imitate the voices of anyone they've heard. 1 point trait in Kenku ...